Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site

Categories: General

bbPress is forum software for WordPress.

Categories: General

A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories.

Categories: General

Quick Adsense offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Google Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post.

Categories: General

All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...

Categories: General

Manage Google AdSense,, Amazon banners, ads.txt, ad rotation, sticky widgets, AMP ads, DFP, tracking, AdSense header and footer code

Categories: General

The plugin allows an automatic redirection to the "HTTPS" version/URL of the site. Make your site SSL compatible easily.

Categories: General

Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from

Categories: General

bbPress Notify (No-Spam)

By Vinny Alves (UseStrict Consulting)

bbPress Notifications on steroids.

Categories: General

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports all plugins that extend this screen.

Categories: General

FileOrganizer is a plugin that helps you to manage all files in your WordPress Site. FileOrganizer provides you the ability to edit, delete, upload, d …

Categories: General