Plugins on the list:

Install this plugin on unlimited sites and manage them all from a central dashboard. This plugin communicates with your InfiniteWP Admin Panel.

Categories: General

The ultimate infinite scroll and lazy load solution for your WordPress powered website.

Categories: General


By Beaver6813, dirkhaim, Paul Irish, benbalter, Glenn Nelson

Automatically append the next page of posts (via AJAX) to your page when a user scrolls to the bottom.

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Now also for page-based (as opposed to date-based) archives.

Categories: General

Add infinite scrolling to archive post or shop page.

Categories: General

This tiny plugin adds silently the viewport meta tag with zooming permission to allow your users to zoom in your website with mobile browsers.

Categories: General

Easily add Noindex and Nofollow to post, page, search and category page.

Categories: General

Choose infinite scroll, load more button or pagination. Load paged content with Ajax on your posts, pages, search, custom post types and WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Ask search engines not to index individual pages by checking an option in the publish post box.

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose.

Categories: General

Add META ROBOTS NOINDEX to Attachment Pages in WordPress for better SEO

Categories: General

Ajoute un bouton "J'aime cet article".

Categories: General

No more page refresh for next page click. User can stay on same page to see all result with Infinite Scroll and Load More.

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There is a tendency to scroll down till one reaches the end of a web page. Infinite Scrolling Plugin uses this insight.

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WP Infinite Scrolling enables infinite scrolling on your WordPress blog.

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Place Pinterest Buttons, Pins, Boards and Profiles everywhere in you WordPress using simple shortcodes and a fully customizable widget.

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Infinite scroll extended to single post pages

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Innovative slider plugin for WordPress based sites. Features 20 or more tiles of your best content on the same page! Draggable and responsive.

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A fully responsive gallery plugin with efficient lazy loading, fade-in effect and fullscreen slider.

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Infinite scroll and AJAX pagination for WooCommerce and WordPress

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Плагин заключает любые ссылки в комментариях в теги <noindex></noindex>.

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A standalone version of Infinite Scroll from Jetpack.

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The shortcode displays posts on vertical timeline by infinite scroll.

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Easily enable Genesis to use Jetpack's Infinite Scroll feature.

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Disables search-engine indexing for all password-protected posts.

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Creates an interactive dictionary of terms and definitions with jQuery and shortcodes.

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LionScripts' Site Maintenance & Noindex Nofollow is a very useful Site Maintenance plugin, which provides you space to work on your site, whe …

Categories: General

Adds the noindex meta tag to your WordPress Login page. If your WordPress blog has a public login page, you probably don't want it to be indexed …

Categories: General

The Definitive URL Sanitizer is a simple plugin that really sanitizes posts URL

Categories: General

Add Infinite Scroll to Twenty Fifteen theme easily, animation effect and custom text messages, easy to use, just activate plugin.

Categories: General

Fix for Gravity Forms tabindex issue, when more than one forms are displaying on one page.

Categories: General

Save your time by automatically converting from .DOCX to content with all WordPress post attributes.

Categories: General

Add Cardinity checkout form to your WooCommerce site and start accepting payments.

Categories: General

Site Language Definition is a simple plugin for forcing the web browser to know what language your site is in.

Categories: General

A powerful masonry layout system for displaying content in WordPress.

Categories: General

This widget allows you to add your wishlist to your blog. Simply enter the URL to your wishlist and all your wishes will be displayed.

Categories: General

This plugin is based on Fix-Duplicates plugin.

Categories: General

This framework plugin makes adding options screens with sections and fields to WordPress very simple,…

Categories: General

Add support to the P2 theme for Jetpack Infinite Scroll.

Categories: General

Ratings FilmAffinity Widget shows the latest movies as voted by you in FilmAffinity.

Categories: General

This framework plugin makes adding post types with taxonomies and meta to WordPress very simple,…

Categories: General

Automatically add a "noindex" meta tag to The Events Calendar's detail pages for past events, to prevent them from appearing in search engines.

Categories: General

This plugin enables developers to quickly convert categories and tags into affinitomic elements, enabling the…

Categories: General

Plugin for automated data migration from Sitefinity to WordPress. Convert Sitefinity to WordPress easily and…

Categories: General

Ask search engines not to index individual pages by a relative path - which means you can set every url no matter it is a page, category listing or an …

Categories: General

Infinite scrolling product lists for Easy Digital Downloads.

Categories: General

This plugin will automatically add a 'Noindex' meta tag to posts that are a duplicate determined by the slug and preexisting post names.

Categories: General

This plugin can add rel="noindex,nofollow" to archive, tag, and category links. You can configure exactly which links are given which attrib …

Categories: General

It is a simple plugin for count views of posts. There is a widget that…

Categories: General

It is a simple plugin for count views of posts. There is a widget that show the most views to with or without thumbnails.

Categories: General

Definition List plugin add button to rich editor. Using it you can easily insert definition…

Categories: General

Adds a "Reply" link even for comments at the maximum depth, so you can continue the conversation.

Categories: General

Adds a "Reply" link even for comments at the maximum depth, so you can continue the conversation.

Categories: General

Provide your visitors the ability to calculate their body mass index to determine wheter their bmi in normal, they are underweight or they are overwei …

Categories: General

All the images of the media library to display in masonry and Infinite scroll.

Categories: General

Affinitomics™ transforms Wordpress into a hyper-relevant, context aware and intelligent powerhouse.

Categories: General

Stylinity Widget

By Katherine Eisenbrand

Custom widget to to display shoppable looks on your website.

Categories: General

An addon on WPMU Infinite Seo, Fixes bugs with creating Meta-Description, and makes it working with multibyte.

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Create index of tags

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The TrinityCore Management Suite provides all the functions necessary to manage your TrinityCore server.

Categories: General

Finally beautiful weather widgets for your beautiful site.

Categories: General

This will show the infinite scroll for all your related posts at the end of the all posts of website in concerned category.

Categories: General

Easily create dynamic quizzes with customised responses. Creating your own personality or category type quizzes…

Categories: General

A very lightweight infinite scroll plugin for your blog running the GeneratePress Theme by Tom Usborne. Just install and activate this plugin to enabl …

Categories: General

Catch Infinite Scroll is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add the magic of infinite scrolling with several customization options on your website …

Categories: General

Activate infinite scroll in Ultimate Member directory and get rid of pagination!

Categories: General