Plugins on the list:

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Check posts, pages & all content for broken links to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.

Categories: General

Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny button, Facebook, Mastodon, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Threads, many more, and follow icons too.

Categories: General

An easy and powerful contact form builder that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.

Categories: General

XML and Google News Sitemaps to feed the hungry spiders. Multisite, WP Super Cache, Polylang and WPML compatible.

Categories: General

SpiderBlocker will block most common bots that consume bandwidth and slow down your blog.

Categories: General

Easy coming Soon plugin allows you to quickly create a launch / under construction page for your website. Collects e-mails and connect with users on S …

Categories: General

Easily generate Terms of Service and a Privacy Policy for your site.

Categories: General