Plugins on the list:

The best anti-spam protection to block spam comments and spam in a contact form. The most trusted antispam solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP. Fully customizable.

Categories: General

Firewall, Malware Scanner, Two Factor Auth and Comprehensive Security Features, powered by our 24 hour team. Make security a priority with Wordfence.

Categories: General

Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

Categories: General

ACF helps customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields. Proudly powering over 2 million sites, WordPress developers love ACF.

Categories: General

Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.

Categories: General

The most popular gallery plugin that lets you create galleries and albums in seconds.

Categories: General

Adds a more advanced paging navigation interface.

Categories: General

Admin UI for creating custom content types like post types and taxonomies

Categories: General

Disqus is the web's most popular comment system. Use Disqus to increase engagement, retain readers, and grow your audience.

Categories: General

Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.

Categories: General

Manages your WordPress database.

Categories: General

Theme Check

By Themes Team

A simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. A great theme development tool!

Categories: General

Facebook Like Box Widget is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes & Recommendation Comments from their own w …

Categories: General

Lazy Load

By Automattic

Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user.

Categories: General

Donate link: Tags: images, image, custom sizes, custom images, thumbnail regenerate, thumbnail, regenerate, cropping Req …

Categories: General

Edit the permalink of custom post type.

Categories: General

Adds Colorbox/Lightbox functionality to images, grouped by post or page. Works for WordPress and NextGEN galleries. Comes with different themes.

Categories: General

Lazy loading for images and iframes makes your site load faster and saves bandwidth. Uses no external JS libraries and degrades gracefully for non-js …

Categories: General

WP PageNavi Style

By snilesh

Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin.

Categories: General

Adds a new 'Font Awesome Icon' field to the popular Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

Categories: General

Resets the WordPress database back to it's defaults. Deletes all customizations and content. Does not modify files only resets the database.

Categories: General

Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog…

Categories: General

WordPress 3.1 and up allow for reasonably simple custom taxonomy, this plugin makes it even simpler, removing the need for you to write any code.

Categories: General

Powerful AJAX-based search alternative which supports faceting queries by taxonomies, terms, location, and post metadata.

Categories: General

Enables support for sticky custom post types.

Categories: General

This plugin provides an extra field for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to support the NextGEN Gallery plugin.

Categories: General

Quickly and easily add Font Awesome icons to your custom post types.

Categories: General

The PayPal Item Field is a simple, yet useful field that can help you integrate…

Categories: General