Plugins on the list:

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).

Categories: General

Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.

Categories: General

Multibyte functionality enhancement for the WordPress Japanese package.

Categories: General


By John Godley

Manage 301 redirects, track 404 errors, and improve your site. No knowledge of Apache or Nginx required.

Categories: General

Backup, transfer, copy, and move a site with 1-click. Quick, easy, and reliable.

Categories: General

Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.

Categories: General

Loginizer is a WordPress security plugin which helps you fight against bruteforce attacks.

Categories: General

Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.

Categories: General

Auto generator of a customizable and designed sitemap page.

Categories: General

Save your wordpress blog from getting tagged as ping spammer. This plugin is a fork of the cbnet Ping Optimizer plugin.

Categories: General

XML and Google News Sitemaps to feed the hungry spiders. Multisite, WP Super Cache, Polylang and WPML compatible.

Categories: General

Adds extra options to WordPress' built-in Automatic Updates feature.

Categories: General

Security plugin to protect your blog or website against exploits and spam injections.

Categories: General

Add WebSub (formerly known as PubSubHubbub) support to your WordPress site, with a built in hub.

Categories: General

The fastest firewall plugin for WordPress. Protect against a wide range of threats with minimal performance impact.

Categories: General

Easily export or import your WordPress customizer settings!

Categories: General

The only complete toolkit for all ad types. Grow your revenue with AdSense, Amazon—or any affiliate network. Get pinpoint targeting and best support!

Categories: General

Tracks user name, time of login, IP address and browser user agent.

Categories: General

Improve your websites SEO with a comprehensive, easy to use RSS and XML sitemap plugin.…

Categories: General

Ban users by IP, IP Range, host name, user agent and referrer url from visiting your WordPress's blog.

Categories: General

The best free lazy load plugin for WordPress. Lazy load images, videos, and iframes to improve performance and Core Web Vitals scores.

Categories: General

Implements a Pubsubhubbub Real Time Publisher informing Planet Earth of your updates now, not later!

Categories: General

One plugin to save your AdSense account from Click Bombings and Invalid Click Activities

Categories: General

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports all plugins that extend this screen.

Categories: General

Lazy loading images and iframes to speed up sites page load speed.

Categories: General

RTOC is a table of contents generation plugin from Japan that allows anyone to easily create a table of contents. Equipped with the functions of the c …

Categories: General

It is a plugin that collects very convenient blocks.

Categories: General