Plugins on the list:

Sort Posts and custom Post Type Objects (custom post types) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript AJAX interface or default WordPress dashboard.

Categories: General

Order posts(posts, any custom post types) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript. Configuration is unnecessary.

Categories: General

This plugin registers a custom post type for portfolio items. It also registers separate portfolio taxonomies for tags and categories.

Categories: General

Edit the permalink of custom post type.

Categories: General

A simple way to change a post's type in WordPress

Categories: General

Pods is a framework for creating, managing, and deploying customized content types and fields for any project.

Categories: General

Creates a metabox to the Appearance > Menu page to add custom post type archive links

Categories: General

Single Post Template adds the ability for your theme to include "Post Templates" in much the same way you can add "Page Templates" …

Categories: General

A bulk conversion utility for post types.

Categories: General

Custom Post Type Widgets plugin adds default custom post type widgets.

Categories: General

This plugin enables custom post types directly to add page templates of the page type.

Categories: General

Allows you to convert the post type of objects while in the edit screen.

Categories: General

This plugin will allow you to upload files to your post or pages or any other custom post types.

Categories: General

A shortcode with which you can easily list all of the posts within a post-type and sort by regular or custom fields.

Categories: General

Enables custom post type archives that will support both paging and feeds. All fully customizable.

Categories: General

The Custom Post Type Archive widget displays a monthly or yearly archive of posts for one specific post-type. It is simply a slightly modified version …

Categories: General

Adds friendly permalink support, template files, and a new conditional for public, non-hierarchical custom post…

Categories: General

Automatically create menu items for your custom post types in your chosen menu and parent menu item.

Categories: General

Integrates with WP SEO Analysis for custom fields and Pods Advanced Content Types with WordPress SEO XML Sitemaps

Categories: General

Enables an editable description to display on post type archive pages. Show the description with WordPress's the_archive_description() function t …

Categories: General

Simple and easy way of adding post type archive links to your menu. Links will be highlighted when you navigate to custom archive or single item page.

Categories: General

Integrate with Gravity Forms to create a Pod item from a form submission.

Categories: General

Integration with Beaver Builder Themer ( Provides a UI for mapping Field Connections with Pods.

Categories: General

A simple CSV Importer for the plugin Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields.

Categories: General

Pods Alternative Cache is a file-based or database-based caching solution for hosts that have limitations on object caching.

Categories: General

For custom post types, allows you to have default templates specific to each custom post type.

Categories: General

This plugin show all relations between existing post types and attached to them terms (taxonomies) in separate WordPress REST API (v2) endpoint.

Categories: General

Utilize AJAX cache generation and loading for Pods Views. If a view takes too long to load, use Pods AJAX Views to offload it to AJAX so the rest of t …

Categories: General

Pods Auto-Display

By Tyson Lloyd Thwaites

Automatically displays Pods custom fields below custom post content.

Categories: General

This plugin creates a multi-instance widget for inserting pod data into your sidebar. Requires the PodsCMS plugin.

Categories: General

FMTC Pods are fully-automated blocks of monetized content that can be placed anywhere on your site.

Categories: General

Add different amount of points for comments to different post types.

Categories: General

Integrates with the WordPress Stream plugin to track changes to Pods and content

Categories: General

Advanced Pods Bulk Action allow marking bulk items on several pages and uses POST instead of GET to avoid the "too long URI" issue.

Categories: General

Allows for the inclusion/exclusion of custom (or standard) post types in archive pages.

Categories: General

Allows for the inclusion/exclusion of custom (or standard) post types in archive pages.

Categories: General

Repeater fields for Pods Framework. Adding a repeatable field on pages.

Categories: General

Copy, drag, drop, done. This plugin extends PODS to group custom fields quickly. Support location rules, pods shortcode and magic tags.

Categories: General

Create Parents / Children Relationship between different post types checking one or more parent.

Categories: General

The plugin is to let users choose template for any post of any type as you can choose for page.

Categories: General

Integrate Pods Advance Content Type (ACT) with Yoast SEO

Categories: General

A simple way to change a post's post-type in WordPress

Categories: General

Map your archives to pages. Map 404 and term archives as well.

Categories: General