Plugins on the list:

A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site

Categories: General

An easier path to great Page Experience for everyone. Powered by AMP.

Categories: General

Adds Google Analytics 4 tracking code to your WordPress site. Supports many tracking features.

Categories: General

The plugin allows an automatic redirection to the "HTTPS" version/URL of the site. Make your site SSL compatible easily.

Categories: General

Protection against hacker attacks and bots. Malware scanner & integrity checker. User activity log. Antispam reCAPTCHA. Limit login attempts.

Categories: General

Block excessive login attempts and protect your site against brute force attacks. Simple, yet powerful tools to improve site performance.

Categories: General

Create custom "Shortcodes" easily for HTML, JavaScript, CSS code snippets and use the shortcodes within posts, pages & widgets

Categories: General

Transform your WordPress content migration with our intuitive CSV and XML import plugin! Effortlessly import and export posts, users, and products in …

Categories: General

Boost the way people interact with your site with an easy WordPress stars rating system! With rich snippets YASR will improve your SEO

Categories: General

Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from

Categories: General

Export WordPress and WooCommerce data with our powerful WordPress export plugin. Save as CSV or XML for easy backup, migration and flexible storage.

Categories: General

Import users with meta details as CSV spreadsheet

Categories: General