Plugins on the list:

Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

Categories: General

Check posts, pages & all content for broken links to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.

Categories: General

A better way to manage dozens of WordPress websites.

Categories: General

A simple plugin to update URLs or other text in a database.

Categories: General

Migrate your database. Export full sites including media, themes, and plugins. Find and replace content with support for serialized data.

Categories: General

Theme Check

By Themes Team

A simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. A great theme development tool!

Categories: General

All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...

Categories: General

Adds a debug menu to the admin bar that shows query, cache, and other helpful debugging information.

Categories: General

Query Monitor is the developer tools panel for WordPress.

Categories: General

Clean database by deleting orphaned data such as 'revisions', 'expired transients', optimize database and more...

Categories: General

Debug Bar Rewrite Rules adds a new panel to Debug Bar that displays information about WordPress Rewrites Rules (if used).

Categories: General

Theme Editor allows you to edit theme files, create folder, upload files and remove any file and folder in themes and plugins.

Categories: General

Log/Debug the PHP code in your Theme/Plugin with your Browser Console (no extension needed)

Categories: General

Fix Media Library inconsistency between database and wp-content/uploads folder contents. Unused image files, broken media library entries, missing att …

Categories: General