Plugins on the list:

Setup paid membership, accept payment, sell subscription & digital product, paywall, create login & registration form, user profile & member directory

Categories: General

Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar!

Categories: General

Powerful user profile plugin to create front-end user registration forms, login & user profile forms. Includes user role editor & content restriction.

Categories: General

Displays Visitor Maps with location pins, city, and country. Includes a Who's Online Sidebar. Has an admin dashboard to view visitor details.

Categories: General

This plugin will help you to track your visitors, browsers, operating systems, visits and much more in one dashboard page.

Categories: General

Enable you to display how many users are online on your Wordpress blog with detailed statistics.

Categories: General

User Avatar

By Enej Bajgoric / Gagan Sandhu / CTLT DEV

Provides a thumbnail area in Your Profile, for users to upload & crop new images in an overlay to be saved and stored to their profile.

Categories: General

Allow registered users to upload & select their own avatars.

Categories: General

WP Customer Area is a modular all-in-one solution to manage private content with WordPress.

Categories: General

Add an avatar upload field on frontend pages and Edit Profile screen so users can add a custom profile picture.

Categories: General

BadgeOS turns your site into an achievement and badging system. Easily create badges and set up the steps and achievements users complete to earn them …

Categories: General

Favorites for any post type. Easily add favoriting/liking, wishlists, or any other similar functionality using the developer-friendly API.

Categories: General

Avatar allows you to create / edit custom avatars for your users right in the Admin Panel. Uses the same directory structure as BuddyPress, so your av …

Categories: General

Adds BadgeOS features to BuddyPress and bbPress. Earn badges/points/ranks based on community activity, and display them on user profiles and activity …

Categories: General

Shows how many users are browsing your blog including how many pageviews they have made and how long they have been on the blog.

Categories: General

Users Ultra is the ideal plugin for creating advanced user communities & networks easily. It…

Categories: General

Allow users to have multiple roles on one site.

Categories: General

BadgeOS achievements and badges earned from a wide array of LearnDash learning management system activity.

Categories: General

Visitor Map shows number of online users and their location in a world map in…

Categories: General

Who's reading your P2 blog right now? Keep track.

Categories: General

This add-on to BadgeOS automatically creates achievement types, pages and sample content to jumpstart your own badging system.

Categories: General

Adds a list (or multiple list) of stylesheets in the frontend to allow visitors to choose a different visual look for the website.

Categories: General

Toggle password visibility on the WordPress login screen.

Categories: General

Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by suggesting next possible incomplete achievements that a user can earn.

Categories: General

Online Counter

By Darren Husselholf

Visitor Hit Counter plugin. You have the ability to chooce from different stlyles and the option to add it in your sidebar or in the footer.

Categories: General

Create your own badges and points system for WordPress users.

Categories: General

Open Badges are a new online standard to recognize and verify learning: Earn badges for skills you learn online &

Categories: General

Certificates, open badges and blockchain credentials. Create, update and manage them on your Wordpress site.

Categories: General

A simple WordPress plugin to enable BuddyPress on-site notifications when a user reaches an achievement with BadgeOS-Community.

Categories: General

Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by joining users to one or more specified groups when they use a special Invite Code to join your site.

Categories: General

Appointment Buddy Widget allows you to book appointment online from a set of available time-slots quickly and easily.

Categories: General

Switch to another user account quickly.

Categories: General

Issue Mozilla Open Badges directly from your site with this add-on for BadgeOS

Categories: General

This BadgeOS Add-on adds a shortcode to show or hide content depending on the user having earned a specific achievement.

Categories: General

Allows adding a role to a user who has earned a BadgeOS achievement.

Categories: General

Open Badge Factory is an Open Badge management system. Set up automatic badge awarding rules, and users will earn badges.

Categories: General

Light weight Front-end login form, User Registration, User Profile and Members Directory plugin.

Categories: General

Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by joining users to one or more specified groups when they use a special Invite Code to join your site.

Categories: General

BadgeOS Add-On to reset BadgeOS data in your database.

Categories: General

Connect WPLMS Learning Management System with BadgeOS platform

Categories: General

Allows to limit awarding BadgeOS achievements per a configurable time interval, e.g. a certain achievement will only be awarded once per day.

Categories: General

Tool to migrate all stored data from BadgeOS to GamiPress

Categories: General