Plugins on the list:

This plugin extends WooCommerce by setting sequential order numbers for new orders.

Categories: General

Track abandoned carts and send automated, customizable abandoned cart recovery emails. Reduce cart abandonment, recover lost revenue & increase sales.

Categories: General

Would you buy twice from a website that does not give you instantly access to the product you purchased? And as a seller, why would you want to compli …

Categories: General

Export orders from WooCommerce with ease ( Excel/CSV/TSV/XML/JSON supported )

Categories: General

Export WooCommerce order details in csv format.

Categories: General

Add an easy tool to manage order shipping information of your shop and to notified your customers about the shipping.

Categories: General

Export WooCommerce orders & export products with advanced filtering. Supports CSV & all Excel formats.

Categories: General

Order tracking, status and project management plugin. Create tickets and tracking numbers. Send email updates. Works standalone and with WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.5 Stable tag: 2.0.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

Categories: General

YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status allows you to create and manage custom statuses for orders…

Categories: General

The best order export import plugin for WooCommerce. Easily import and export WooCommerce orders and WooCommerce coupons using CSV.

Categories: General

Display a list of customers who bought a specific product at the bottom of the product edit page in WooCommerce and send them e-mails.

Categories: General

YITH WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart helps you manage easily and efficiently all the abandoned carts of your customers.

Categories: General

It makes it possible to insert CC and BCC in Wooommerce emails.

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A simple plugin to see how many carts and which products your customers are abandoning

Categories: General

A simple plugin to add Order Duplication to Woocommerce at the click of a button.

Categories: General

This plugin makes it easy to manage and track the weight of your orders in WooCommerce. It calculates and saves the weight of each order automatically …

Categories: General

Overrides the default functionality when clicking on Order notes button so that modal window with order notes is displayed instantly.

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Woocommerce Customer Profiles

Categories: General

Ni WooCommerce Order Export plugin provides the functionality to export the sales order information into CSV or excel format.

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For WooCommerce Admins: Logs sent emails related to orders, and displays them in a table on the edit order screen.

Categories: General

WooCommerce Order Search

By Chetan Khandla

WooCommerce Order Search allows to search orders in WooCommerce.

Categories: General

An essential plugin to export customer's emails and other information from admin panel.

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Add shipping tracking information to your orders.

Categories: General

WooCommerce Customer Notes To Completed Order Emails simply adds the customer notes to the completed order email.

Categories: General

Save abandoned carts and send automated abandoned cart recovery messages. Get more leads, reduce cart abandonment, and increase sales.

Categories: General

Select WooCommerce orders in bulk to export the sum of each individual product.

Categories: General

Plugin works as a daemon for Woocommerce powered sites. Sending followup mails to site customers…

Categories: General

WooCommerce Order Search by Transaction ID allows administrators and shop managers to search orders by…

Categories: General

Grow your customer's trust on delivered product by uniquely identify ordered products.

Categories: General

Export you woocommerce ordered product it's billing address, shipping address and it's products info.

Categories: General

Plugin will customize checkout page and offers to direct place order without payment.

Categories: General

Plugin will customize checkout page and offers to direct place order without payment.

Categories: General

Plugin will customize checkout page and offers to direct place order without payment.

Categories: General

Enable customers to choose their preferred delivery dates directly at checkout.

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WC Auto Complete Orders is a simple, no UI plugin that does what it says: Enables Woo Commerce orders to automatically be marked as complete upon chec …

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Woocommerce autocomplete orders

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Custom plugin uploaded by Minh Tao

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This plugin lets you nuke all existing orders — please use with caution!

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Cancel "on hold" orders after a certain number of days or by hours

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Simple WC order Export/Import

By Webman Technologies

Simple WC order Export/Import is a plugin for export and import orders of woocommerce. While importing Products sometime products get new ID's so …

Categories: General

This plugin allows you to export your orders from WooCommerce to the ERP Afterbuy via the Shop-API from Afterbuy.

Categories: General

Displays summarised WooCommerce order information by individual customers in a more friendly table view.

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Exports WooCommerce Order Data

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Professional solution for Recover Abandoned Carts

Categories: General

Woo order export to constant contact plugin export users data from woocommerce order and merge into constant contact.

Categories: General

Helps to find out how many lost carts your store has by keeping track when users abandon them. It also sends an mail to those users to help recover th …

Categories: General