Plugins on the list:

YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom add zoom effect to product images and a customizable image slider.

Categories: General

Enhance your WooCommerce store with product image zoom feature with gallery, slider & popup. Offering a interactive shopping experience to customers.

Categories: General

YITH WooCommerce Featured Video allows you to place a video in the product detail page instead of the featured image.

Categories: General

Adds a secondary image on product archives that is revealed on hover. Perfect for displaying front/back shots of clothing and other products.

Categories: General

Enhance your customers' shopping experience and boost sales instantly with this WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider! 🚀

Categories: General

Cloud Zoom for woocommerce uses Cloud Zoom jQuery image zoom plugin

Categories: General

This plugin allows store visitors on a single product page, to easily zoom into the…

Categories: General

Embed videos to product gallery along with images on product page of WooCommerce.

Categories: General

This plugin adds a hover effect that will reveal a secondary product thumbnail to product images on your WooCommerce product listings.

Categories: General

This plugin creates a attractive responsive slider/carousel for WooCommerce product gallery images with nicely lightbox effect.

Categories: General

Switch on/off WooCommerce 3.0+ Product Image Gallery options on a per product basis.

Categories: General

WOOZOOm adds zoom/magnification effect to product images (on WooCommerce sites) and an image slider to…

Categories: General

As the name suggests, Zoom Magnifier Plugin lets your customers zoom a product's image so that they could view it with greater clarity and detail …

Categories: General

Easily upload and delete product images on main product screen, without having to edit each product.

Categories: General

Allows to specify default placeholder image ( "NO IMAGE" ) for products by woocommerce.

Categories: General

Add Cloud Zoom effect to WooCommerce product photos on single product pages. Adjust settings. Work with ANY theme.

Categories: General

WooCommerce Product Image Zoom - user can see every aspect of your product with this…

Categories: General

This plugin lets you disable / enable the new product gallery zoom / lightbox features in 3.0.

Categories: General

This plugin will add image zoom fearure in your woocommerce product image.

Categories: General

This plugin will automatically remove image links from the main product images in WooCommerce. Updated…

Categories: General

Change Product Main Image by product\'s gallery thumbnail image click in single product page.

Categories: General

Lumia woocommerce product gallery modified the normal woocommerce product gallery with Elevate Zoom Jquery

Categories: General

Pixc removes the background and optimizes your photos, ensuring your products look their best so you can increase your online sales.

Categories: General

superZoom- WooCommerce Product Image Zoom add zoom effect to product images and a customizable image slider.

Categories: General

Replaces WooCommerce featured image with embedded video

Categories: General

This plugin will automatically remove linked image when you delete woocommerce product from the backend.

Categories: General

Pick WooCommerce category thumbnails automatically from products contained within those categories.

Categories: General

Add before and after product images to your WooCommerce products.

Categories: General

Plugin to add the new tab for video or additional content like contact forms, shortcodes, important features and other useful information to WooCommer …

Categories: General

WooCommerce Bigger Product Images increases the size of your WooCommerce product images in the shop…

Categories: General

Instantly transform the gallery on your WooCommerce Product page into a fully Responsive Stunning Carousel…

Categories: General

A simple plugin that allows adding a video instead of the product thumbnail image.

Categories: General

Instantly transform the gallery on your WooCommerce Product page into a fully Responsive Stunning Carousel Slider.

Categories: General

Product Gallery Plugin for WooCommerce + Image Zoom

Categories: General

Easily add a carousel to your WooCommerce product gallery.

Categories: General