Plugins on the list:

Grow your Business with your own Affiliate Network and let your partners earn commissions on referred sales. Integrates Affiliates and WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Opens links to external/affiliate products in a new tab.

Categories: General

Turn your Woocommerce Wordpress Store into a money profit generator using WZone Lite!

Categories: General

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates allows you to create affiliate profiles and grant your affiliates earnings each time someone purchases from their link.

Categories: General

Referral System for WooCommerce. Each customer has referral link that rewards them with a coupon after someone makes a purchase through their link

Categories: General

Cloak your WooCommerce external & affiliate links.

Categories: General

This plugin sets all external / affiliate product buy now links on a WooCommerce site to open in a new web browser tab.

Categories: General

Drive sales and customer loyalty with ReferralCandy. Set up effective referral and affiliate programs easily to reward and grow your customer base.

Categories: General

Loyalty + Referral + Rewards + Birthdays and Anniversaries + Giveaways + Sweepstakes. Selling on ETSY? Reward points for your Etsy sales.

Categories: General

Create a customer referral program Now! Have your customers driving their friends to your store ready to make a purchase

Categories: General

All-in-One Loyalty+Giveaways+Referral + Birthdays + Anniversaries App. No Coding. Easy DIY Setup.

Categories: General

CBX Coupon Referral Affiliate(WCRA) for Woocommerce

Categories: General

Design and launch customer referral campaigns within minutes in WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Adds an automated customer referral program to your WooCommerce store.

Categories: General

This Plugin Helps you add referral rates to individual affiliates integrating with woocommerce product purchase.

Categories: General

Adds more control over external/affiliate products in WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Set different currency for external products in WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Plugins gives you ability to add multiple external product URLs on WooCommerce product edit page.

Categories: General