Plugins on the list:

Do not miss customers if your product is out of stock, inform them as soon as product arrives in stock

Categories: General

This plugin enables registered users to request an email notification when an out-of-stock product comes back into stock.

Categories: General

Allows customers to leave their email on a waiting list for out-of-stock products. When product…

Categories: General

This plugin integrates PriceWaiter's powerful price negotiation and conversion tools with your WooCommerce store.

Categories: General

Enable your customer to add out-of-stock products into their waitlist and get notified when the product becomes in-stock and can place the order easil …

Categories: General

This plugin creates a TAB on the Woocommerce My Account page called "Waiting for Review",…

Categories: General

Waitlists for WordPress lets you create and manage user lists of almost any type in any post.

Categories: General

Wishlist and Waitlist for your clients

Categories: General