Plugins on the list:

Add order cancellation request functionality to your woocommerce powered store.

Categories: General

Add a form to Woocommerce order and let users return products.

Categories: General

woocommerce New Order's Dashboard Widget Shows the recent new orders from the user On the…

Categories: General

Just add an "order again" button in Recent Orders list

Categories: General

WooCommerce Recently Purchased Product Display using widget and shortcode to boost your woocommerce products sells.

Categories: General

For WooCommerce. Disable the ability for logged in users to purchase items they already own that are downloadable.

Categories: General

Allow customers to request refunds on your store.

Categories: General

This plugin prevents customers from cancelling a WooCommerce order. It will hide the Cancel button on My Account page for all user roles, except admin …

Categories: General

Generates a report on product line-item refunds in WooCommerce for a specified time period.

Categories: General

WC return products

By wc expert

Return product by WooCommerce customer from front end

Categories: General

WooCommerce Product reorder gives an easy way to reorder products from WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Handle Cancel Order by customers, Beautifully.

Categories: General

WC Rest API extension for Returnado system and widget interface providing order returning functionality. Includes bypassing loggin on purchasing for n …

Categories: General

Brings back the email notification when an order status changes from pending to cancelled.

Categories: General

For WooCommerce. Disable the ability for logged in users to purchase items they already own that are downloadable.

Categories: General

Cancel "on hold" orders after a certain number of days or by hours

Categories: General

Provide an easy refund service and increase customer satisfaction with WooCommerce Return Refund and Exchange Warranty Management Plugin.

Categories: General

Just add an "order again" button in Recent Orders list

Categories: General

Just add an "order again" button in Recent Orders list

Categories: General