Plugins on the list:

Everything you need to launch an online store in days and keep it growing for years. From your first sale to millions in revenue, Woo is with you.

Categories: Ecommerce

Automatically displays a shopping cart in your menu bar. Works with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

Categories: General

Customise the appearance of product archives in WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Extends WooCommerce giving you the option to display accepted payment methods via widget, shortcode or template tag.

Categories: General

Displays a 'new' badge on WooCommerce products published in the last x days.

Categories: General

Enhances the WooCommerce sale badge by displaying the total saving a customer will receive.

Categories: General

License: GPLv2 This plugin adds the possibility to upload a file after an order is…

Categories: General