Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Categories: Forms
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
Categories: Seo
Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).
Categories: General
ACF helps customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields. Proudly powering over 2 million sites, WordPress developers love ACF.
Categories: General
Admin UI for creating custom content types like post types and taxonomies
Categories: General
Intuitively, order items( Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Sites ) using a drag and drop sortable JavaScript.
Categories: General
Extends Contact Form 7 by adding dynamic form fields that accepts shortcodes to prepopulate form fields with default values and dynamic placeholders.
Categories: General
Rename filenames and media metadata for SEO and tidyness. Using AI, manually, in bulk, or in so many other ways!
Categories: General
Save Contact Form 7 data. Sort, search & export it in CSV+PDF. Best UI. Fully tested with WP 4.7.2 + CF7 4.6.1 & Totally Supported.
Categories: General
Make the last login for each user visible in the user overview.
Categories: General
This plugin helps to keep some grammar rules in Czech language related to word wrapping, e.g. prepositions 'k', 's', 'v' …
Categories: General