Plugins on the list:

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.

Categories: General

Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

Categories: General

Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.

Categories: General

Get caching and more with this powerful cache plugin. Cache, optimize images, clean your database and minify for maximum performance.

Categories: General

Delete and REALLY force thumbnail regeneration.

Categories: General

Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.

Categories: General

Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!

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By Cloudflare, Inc.

All of Cloudflare’s performance and security benefits in a simple one-click install.

Categories: General


By Cloudflare, Inc.

All of Cloudflare’s performance and security benefits in a simple one-click install.

Categories: General

See which plugins are slowing down your site. This plugin creates a performance report for your site.

Categories: General

Speed up your website. Optimize your JPEG, PNG, and WebP images automatically with TinyPNG.

Categories: General

Lazy Load

By Automattic

Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user.

Categories: General

Donate link: Tags: images, image, custom sizes, custom images, thumbnail regenerate, thumbnail, regenerate, cropping Req …

Categories: General

Allows you to combine and minify your CSS and JS files to improve page load time.

Categories: General

Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from WordPress's own copies.

Categories: General

Remove and delete old revision of posts, pages and related meta content completely then optimize Database: reduce size and optimization to speed up!

Categories: General

Lazy loading for images and iframes makes your site load faster and saves bandwidth. Uses no external JS libraries and degrades gracefully for non-js …

Categories: General

Automatically empty proxy cached content when your site is modified.

Categories: General

Use Insights from Google PageSpeed to increase your sites performance, your search engine ranking, and your visitors browsing experience.

Categories: General

WordPress optimization toolkit with a focus on SEO. This plugin enables to achieve a Google…

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This plugin uses the Minify engine to combine and compress JS and CSS files to improve page load time.

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Bringing automatic default responsive images to WordPress.

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GTmetrix can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around improved website experience for your users. Your users will love you for it.

Categories: General

Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-image-load possible to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time.

Categories: General

Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-image-load possible to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time.

Categories: General

The best free lazy load plugin for WordPress. Lazy load images, videos, and iframes to improve performance and Core Web Vitals scores.

Categories: General

add jquery lazy loading to images

Categories: General

Adaptive images plugin transparently resizes your images, per device screen size, in order to reduce download times in mobile environments.

Categories: General

Merges/Concatenates CSS & Javascript and then minifies using Minify (for CSS) and Google Closure (for JS with Minify as a fallback).

Categories: General

unused plugin tables, database scan Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: trunk Scans your WordPress system and identifies and delet …

Categories: General

Reduce the loading time while opening your wordpress website, accelerate openning time. Images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) wont be …

Categories: General

Hammy speeds up your website by generating and serving resized images for your content area depending on content width.

Categories: General

The official plugin of, a free public CDN. An easy way to integrate the service and speed up your website using our super fast CDN.

Categories: General

The official plugin of, a free public CDN. An easy way to integrate the service and speed up your website using our super fast CDN.

Categories: General

Reduce/Optimize Image Size by connecting to the TinyPNG API

Categories: General

SrcSet Responsive Images for Wordpress allows you to change the dimensions of images based on browser size by automatically adding the srcset attribut …

Categories: General

WP TinyPNG utilise the TinyPNG API to compress your PNG images neatly within WordPress.

Categories: General