The best anti-spam protection to block spam comments and spam in a contact form. The most trusted antispam solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.
Categories: General
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
Categories: Seo
Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.
Categories: General
Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.
Categories: General
Limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP. Fully customizable.
Categories: General
A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.
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The best free Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. See how visitors find and use your website so you can grow your business with powerful analytics.
Categories: General
Really Simple CAPTCHA is a CAPTCHA module intended to be called from other plugins. It is originally created for my Contact Form 7 plugin.
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The most popular gallery plugin that lets you create galleries and albums in seconds.
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The #1 Mailchimp plugin for WordPress. Allows you to add a multitude of newsletter sign-up methods to your site.
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Harden your site security with Login Security, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Vulnerability Scanner, Firewall, and more. Formerly iThemes Security.
Categories: General
Sort posts and custom post type objects using a drag-and-drop, sortable JavaScript AJAX interface, or through the default WordPress dashboard
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An easy and powerful contact form builder that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.
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With just a few clicks, make your WordPress website mobile-friendly (iPhone, Android, and more). Recommended by Google, it will instantly enable a mob …
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Add a Mailchimp signup form block, widget, or shortcode to your WordPress site.
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This plugin would be handy for those who need to manage a lot of media files.
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The shared code library for Similar posts, Recent Posts, Random Posts, Popular Posts and Recent Comments.
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Displays a list of related posts similar to the current one based on content, title and/or tags. Works with all themes and is very customizable!
Categories: General
Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin.
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Displays Visitor Maps with location pins, city, and country. Includes a Who's Online Sidebar. Has an admin dashboard to view visitor details.
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Use Insights from Google PageSpeed to increase your sites performance, your search engine ranking, and your visitors browsing experience.
Categories: General
[DEPRECATED] Adds a sticky post feature to your WordPress's blog.
Categories: General
Fully customise the permalink for an individual page or post and globally set the permalink structure for pages, categories, tags or authors.
Categories: General
A new way to create, move, edit and publish your pages for your favorite CMS.
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Simple event manager. No messing about, just add events and a shortcode and the plugin does the rest for you.
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Encodes mailto: links and e-mail addresses with JavaScript to stifle webcrawlers. Automatically turns plaintext e-mails into (enkoded) links.
Categories: General
Health Check identifies common problems, and helps you troubleshoot plugin and theme conflicts.
Categories: General
Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from
Categories: General
Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from
Categories: General
Display arbitrary information only on selected sections of your site. Also allows you to easily organize them into tabs in your sidebar.
Categories: General
Limit-Post is one of the better WordPress post content limiters we have come across, both in terms of usability and size. Developed by labitacora.
Categories: General