Plugins on the list:

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.

Categories: General

Use Google Analytics on your WordPress site without touching any code, and view visitor reports right in your WordPress admin dashboard!

Categories: General

The simplest and fastest WP Cache system

Categories: General

Now compatible with the AMP Plugin! Free Share Buttons from AddThis. Share to Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many more.

Categories: General

🌠 The best WordPress link management, branding, tracking & sharing plugin. Easily make pretty & trackable shortlinks. 🔗

Categories: General

SEO Friendly Images automatically adds alt and title attributes to all your images improving traffic from search engines.

Categories: General

All of Cloudflare’s performance and security benefits in a simple one-click install.

Categories: General

More attention and a higher ad performance with fixed sticky widgets.

Categories: General

Using this plugin, you can fix all 404 error links by redirecting them to homepage using the SEO 301 redirection. Improve your SEO rank & pages speed

Categories: General

This plugin removes the mandatory 'Category Base' from your category permalinks. It's compatible with WPML.

Categories: General

Disables the XML-RPC API in WordPress 3.5+, which is enabled by default.

Categories: General

Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from WordPress's own copies.

Categories: General

AMP for WP is the most recommended AMP plugin by the community. Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality on your …

Categories: General

This WP plugin protects posts from being copied (content copy protection). Keep your content safe from unauthorized distribution!

Categories: General

WP Crontrol enables you to take control of the cron events on your WordPress website.

Categories: General

The Yoast SEO AMP plugin is no longer needed. Through good collaboration with Google the functionality of this plugin is now part of both Yoast SEO an …

Categories: General

A true Web Application Firewall to protect and secure WordPress.

Categories: General

Auto Excerpt for your posts on home, search and archive pages. Customize Read More button and thumbnail image. Easy to configure and have a lot of opt …

Categories: General

Fastest & Simplest Google Adsense WordPress Plugin with Customization Options - WordPress Optimization Goals.

Categories: General