Plugins on the list:

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).

Categories: General

The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.

Categories: General

A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site

Categories: General

When using the Customizer is not enough - Create a child theme from your installed themes and customize styles, templates, functions and more.

Categories: General

Change wp-login.php to anything you want.

Categories: General

Quick Adsense offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Google Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post.

Categories: General

All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...

Categories: General

Manage Google AdSense,, Amazon banners, ads.txt, ad rotation, sticky widgets, AMP ads, DFP, tracking, AdSense header and footer code

Categories: General

Adds Google Analytics 4 tracking code to your WordPress site. Supports many tracking features.

Categories: General

The plugin allows an automatic redirection to the "HTTPS" version/URL of the site. Make your site SSL compatible easily.

Categories: General

Block excessive login attempts and protect your site against brute force attacks. Simple, yet powerful tools to improve site performance.

Categories: General

Tags: blog, wordpress, security, plugin, comment, comments, anti-spam, antispam, spam, spambot, spambots, protection, user, users, template, secure, h …

Categories: General

Seo report on your dashboard of all your statistics ranking. Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Backlinks...

Categories: General

This Plugin fixes the SEO relevant duplicate content issue for FeedWordPress plugin.

Categories: General

Extends WordPress SEO by Yoast to add SEO info to the post & page listing screen. It is unnecessary if you are running WordPress SEO v1.2+

Categories: General

Last Wordpress Seo Plugin:Auto add keywords and description in the head meta of home,single,page,category and…

Categories: General

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports all plugins that extend this screen.

Categories: General

Aid the Yoast SEO research team in their SEO research.

Categories: General

[custom] cbqe-wordpress-seo

By Adam Lobbestael


Categories: General


Categories: General


Categories: General