Plugins on the list:

Embeds PDFs in your pages and posts, without using JS.

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Now also for page-based (as opposed to date-based) archives.

Categories: General

Easily add Noindex and Nofollow to post, page, search and category page.

Categories: General

Ask search engines not to index individual pages by checking an option in the publish post box.

Categories: General

ImageRecycle image & PDF compression. Make WordPress loads faster by using an automatic image and PDF optimization.

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose.

Categories: General

Add META ROBOTS NOINDEX to Attachment Pages in WordPress for better SEO

Categories: General

Print Wordpress posts as PDF. Optional with Geshi highlighting.

Categories: General

Add CSS classes to the Submit button in Gravity Forms directly from the Form Settings Panel

Categories: General

Easily embed PDFs in WordPress with our PDF Poster plugin. Lightweight, user-friendly, with Gutenberg PDF Viewer Block.

Categories: General

Insert a PDF viewer on your pages and posts with a simple shortcode using jupdf.

Categories: General

Article2pdf will convert any post or page to a pdf file and send it on…

Categories: General

Embeds PDFs in your pages and posts, without using JS.

Categories: General

Плагин заключает любые ссылки в комментариях в теги <noindex></noindex>.

Categories: General

This plugin work with the contact form 7

Categories: General

Disables search-engine indexing for all password-protected posts.

Categories: General

WP Media folders

By Damien Barrère

WP Media Folders is a media management plugin that: Implement a real folder and media URL structure & Allow WP Media Folder plugin data import

Categories: General

LionScripts' Site Maintenance & Noindex Nofollow is a very useful Site Maintenance plugin, which provides you space to work on your site, whe …

Categories: General

Adds the noindex meta tag to your WordPress Login page. If your WordPress blog has a public login page, you probably don't want it to be indexed …

Categories: General

Fix for Gravity Forms tabindex issue, when more than one forms are displaying on one page.

Categories: General

post2pdf is a that convert a post to a pdf file using a pdf class…

Categories: General

A secure, simple yet powerful contact form for your website.

Categories: General

This widget allows you to add your wishlist to your blog. Simply enter the URL to your wishlist and all your wishes will be displayed.

Categories: General

This plugin is based on Fix-Duplicates plugin.

Categories: General

Automatically add a "noindex" meta tag to The Events Calendar's detail pages for past events, to prevent them from appearing in search engines.

Categories: General

Ask search engines not to index individual pages by a relative path - which means you can set every url no matter it is a page, category listing or an …

Categories: General

This plugin will automatically add a 'Noindex' meta tag to posts that are a duplicate determined by the slug and preexisting post names.

Categories: General

Present PDFs with style.

Categories: General

Present PDFs with style.

Categories: General

This plugin can add rel="noindex,nofollow" to archive, tag, and category links. You can configure exactly which links are given which attrib …

Categories: General

Provide your visitors the ability to calculate their body mass index to determine wheter their bmi in normal, they are underweight or they are overwei …

Categories: General

Create index of tags

Categories: General

Display pdf on the dashboard.

Categories: General

Permet de dupliquer des posts sur un site multisite en respectant le référencement

Categories: General

Custom plugin uploaded by robertvideo

Categories: General

Automatically convert your uploaded pdf into media to flipbook and insert them as widget and shortcode

Categories: General


Categories: General


Categories: General


Categories: General


Categories: General

[custom] gravityforms

By Adam Lobbestael


Categories: General

[custom] gravityformssignature

By Adam Lobbestael


Categories: General

[custom] gravityformswebhooks

By Adam Lobbestael


Categories: General


Categories: General


Categories: General

[custom] user-role-editor-pro

By Adam Lobbestael


Categories: General

[custom] learndash_zapier

By John-Paul Byrne

LearnDash Zapier

Categories: General

Add robots "noindex,follow" meta tags to archives, tag pages and category pages in order to preserve your SEO juju.

Categories: General

Adds the noindex tag to all URLs

Categories: General

This plugin add meta tag noindex,nofolow to head of any attachment page().

Categories: General

Restaurant Menu Plugin to effortlessly manage restaurant menus. Delegate uploads: user solely for menu uploads.

Categories: General

Post to PDF on click of a button.

Categories: General


Categories: General