Plugins on the list:

Houses the Amazon Web Services (AWS) PHP SDK v2 libraries and manages access keys.

Categories: General

Copies files to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Cloud Storage as they are uploaded to the Media Library. Optionally configure Amazon CloudFro …

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The official plugin from the Amazon Associates Program.

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Easy to add an Amazon product to your post and you can customize display it…

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EasyAzon is the quickest way to create Amazon affiliate links from within WordPress.

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This plugin enables you to put Amazon product links, images and bespoke templates into your…

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The flexible plugin for WordPress affiliates working with Amazon. Create your own templates, embed products by use of [asa]ASIN[/asa] shortcodes

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Add formatted Amazon Products to any page or post using the Amazon Product Advertising API.

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Generates Amazon affiliate links of products just coming out today. Pick categories and they appear even in JavaScript-disabled browsers.

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Automatically localize and affiliate Amazon product links to improve user experience, increase conversions and earn global commissions.

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Turn your Woocommerce Wordpress Store into a money profit generator using WZone Lite!

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Display customer reviews for products you specify in WordPress pages or posts, or as a widget.

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This plugin enables you to automatically advertise products from which are specifically related to the topic you are writing about.

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Backup & Restore Amazon S3

By Amazon S3 Full Backup

Amazon S3 Backup & Restore Plugin to create Amazon S3 Full Backup (Files + Database)…

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List products from WordPress on Amazon.

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Amazon Link Localization (direct visitors to their local Amazon stores) - earn upto 30% more immediately! NO SIGNUP NEEDED

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Automatically edit every Amazon link in your posts to add your Amazon affiliate tag. Safest way to be sure to earn commissions from Amazon sales !

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This plugin is no longer supported and will become deprecated please use the S3Bubble Amazon…

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This plugin allows a post author to quickly and easily insert text and image links to Amazon product pages into posts.

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A plugin for showcasing items from Amazon. Simply enter the ASIN/ISBN number of any product and optionally enter an Associate ID.

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Uses Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) to deliver emails for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin for…

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Prosociate makes it easy to earn commissions with Amazon's associate program by posting products into…

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With Amazon Asin Grabber plugin, you can grab unlimited Amazon Asin Code from amazon site…

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With WP Amazon SES SMTP plugin you can connect Amazon SES to your WordPress website for sending emails. It bypasses the normal WP mail function and se …

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Amazon Payment Gateway for WooCommerce - A fast, easy way to accept payments or shop…

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Mit diesem Plugin können Sie Produktdaten aus der Amazon-API auslesen und automatisiert in Ihre Webseite einbinden.

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Omnichannel for WooCommerce: Google, Amazon, eBay & Walmart Integration - Powered by Codisto - Sell Omnichannel on Google, Amazon & eBay direc …

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Amazon Product Feeder is a WordPress plugin which will help you to create amazon product pages on your website with your amazon affiliate link.

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Create Stunning 4k, UHD, FHD Videos Streamed From The Most Powerful Streaming Service On The Planet Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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Keep your time and save your money with these Amazon widgets shortcodes. Standard compliants, easy to use and so on !

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WP Amazon Ads - allows you to easily insert Amazon product listings into your WP posts, and earn commission from sales.

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Database Backup Amazon S3

By database backup amazon

Database backup Amazon S3 to backup database / restore database of Website. Database backup to…

Categories: General

Dieses Plugin ermöglicht die einfache Integration von Einzeltitellinks mit Text und Grafik.

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Rewrites and forwards the visitor to 'their' country specific Amazon store (using IP Geolocation).

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Removes all links to in the RSS feed.

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Amazon Affiliate Store With Variants, Cart, Checkout, Custom Themes. Easy to manage and setup. Sell…

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WP-Amazon adds the ability to search and include items from Amazon to your entries. This plugin adds a button called "Amazon" on the post p …

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Amazon Store Plugin For WordPress allows to integrate an Amazon store into your WordPress blog

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The Backup Plugin offers you a totally controllable one stop way to store your data securely and ensure you webpage is safe.

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WooCommerce Product Download / Upload to / from using Amazon S3 service.

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Add contextual Amazon products into your blog based on the tags or defined keywords.

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Easily display Amazon Affiliate products related to a your post or page in a side-bar…

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The plugin checks for machine tags with ISBN or ASIN numbers, gets the product data from Amazon, and displays it in the sidebar or in a blog article.

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Add slick looking Amazon Carousel widgets to your blog posts in a brain-dead simple way! Just say [carousel] to add a Carousel anywhere on your blog.

Categories: General

Create and upload WooCommerce Product feed to Amazon. Listing & selling products on Amazon Simplified…

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Amazon Widget, simple adds a single product to a side bar widget. A demo can…

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Amazon Tools allows you to quickly and easily retrieve Amazon product information and display it…

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This plugin creates widgets that display Amazon Top Lists, or your personal Wish List, that…

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Amazon Affiliate Reviews is a tool that adds a Reviews custom post if it does…

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Generate a Amazon S3 expiring URL based on your key and secret. Prevents hotlinking to…

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This plugin used to show the price of amazon product price in post or pages.

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Amazon Pay Express Checkout for Wordpress

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A plugin to replace Amazon Affiliate links in a feed with a URL to the post directly.

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This widget plug-in will display your amazon wishlist in your sidebar.

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Automatically change keywords in posts or pages to Amazon Affiliate Links.

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This widget shows Amazon Bestsellers, Hot New Releases, Most Gifted and Most Wished For.

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A simple upload form that allows a user to upload files to a specific Amazon…

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Add slick looking Amazon Search widgets to your blog posts in a brain-dead simple way! Just say [search] to add a Search widget anywhere on your blog.

Categories: General

A plugin to replace Amazon Affiliate links in a feed with a URL to the…

Categories: General

Add Amazon context link ads to your blog. Context Links are a quick and convenient way to add links to your page and help you monetize your content.

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Get images from Amazon using the Advertising API.

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Add slick looking Amazon MP3 widgets to your blog posts in a brain-dead simple way! Just say [mp3] to add an MP3 widget anywhere on your blog.

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The Plugin Wel!Amazon Adds is an easy way to include Amazon links into your WordPress Blog.

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Amazon DropShip Manager helps drop ship sellers to manager their products more easily. This plugin will help you keep track of quantity and price.

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With amazon auto product widget plugin, you can display your amazon product on your sidebar…

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Add an Amazon MP3 Clip player to your posts. Just add [mp3 artist="ARTIST NAME" album="ALBUM NAME"] anywhere you want.

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Add sleek looking Amazon mp3 widget with best selling music to your blog posts by…

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Use this SNS Plugin form with Amazon's Simple Notification Service to keep in touch with…

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The only WordPress plugin for Amazon affiliate ads focused on styled advertising, unique content, search…

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Allows you to easily include Amazon product banners with your own affiliate links.

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This plugin no longer works and has been superseded by the Free WordPress Store for…

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Allows to include images of books by asin or isbn from amazon through a simple…

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Connects with AWS and gets product information.A nice plugin for those who want to make…

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Permette di usare l'affiliazione amazon sui propri articoli

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Fast, Reliable, Secure Media Streaming Powered by Amazon Web Services

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Lets you put amazon products right into your blog posts.

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This simple plugin collects contact emails of users who have given reviews on Amazon based on products types.

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Create an attractive custom thumbnail display for your amazon affiliate sites

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widget displaying sorted Amazon wishlist

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Amazon Product Search

By Kashyap Padh

Amazon Product Search Plugin using AWS API

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Easily create text affiliate links for Amazon Associates

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TechGasp Amazing Master let's you can automatically display the hottest deals from Amazon making your wordpress a money making machine.

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Amazon Associate Filter automatically adds your amazon associate id to all Amazon links in your posts and comments.

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Amazon Associate Filter automatically adds your amazon associate id to all Amazon links in your posts and comments.

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Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 Player use tracks directly from your amazon s3 buckets playable in…

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This plugin will allow you to show your Amazon Wishlist or Idea List on your…

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A multi-instance WP widget that displays Amazon UK/US Affiliate Ads.

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Lets you add links to Amazon using a special markup. Also includes an optional widget to search Amazon and display results in your blog.

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Lets you add links to Amazon using a special markup. Also includes an optional widget to search Amazon and display results in your blog.

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Replaces Shortened Amazon Affiliate Links with Affiliate links using

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CodeShop Amazon Affiliate plugin to setup a complete amazon shop solution. Simple & fast, also monetize your Wordpress posts.

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I created this simple plugin to allow wordpress users to stream music from their amazon s3 storage account.

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A simple shortcode to show affiliate product from Amazon.

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Pull data from any Amazon product page using only the product's ASIN number and automatically embed your amazon affiliate link.

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The plugin displays products from amazon in your sidebar and under the content.

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Mit diesem Plugin können Sie Produktdaten von Amazon auf Ihrer Website einbinden.

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This plugin will display your Amazon wishlist.

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A plugin to allow display of amazon wishlists upon your blog, whilst earning a associates…

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AssociateBox for Amazon

By Martin Stemberg

AssociateBox for Amazon gives you the possibility, to add amazon articles to every page, post, custom post type in a widget or under the content.

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Accept payments using Amazon Flexible Payments Service (FPS)

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WordPress plugin for Amazon SES

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Leverage the power of the world's largest online retailer as an Amazon Associate with our…

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Custom plugin uploaded by Michael Estevez

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Amazon Block

By Ryo Utsunomiya

Add "Amazon" block to your Gutenberg editor. Useful to add affiliate link.

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Mostra bottoni con link alle offerte di Amazon Italia per suggerire prodotti correlati al post.…

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Create audio versions of your posts, translate them into other languages, and create podcasts. Integrate with Amazon Alexa to listen to your posts on …

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[custom] easyazon-pro

By robertvideo

Custom plugin uploaded by robertvideo

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Custom plugin uploaded by robertvideo

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[custom] easyazon-tables

By robertvideo

Custom plugin uploaded by robertvideo

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Super helps Amazon associates easily embed affiliate products in their Wordpress blog or page. To learn more about Super, visit

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Requires at least: 3.9.0 Tested up to: 4.9 Stable tag:1.0.0 License: GPLv3 License URI:

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Wooshark dropshipping allows users to import and sells products from AliExpress, Banggood, eBay, and tmart One wooshark license = UP to 10 Stores supp …

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