Plugins on the list:

The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.

Categories: General

Adds a more advanced paging navigation interface.

Categories: General

Admin UI for creating custom content types like post types and taxonomies

Categories: General

Sort Posts and custom Post Type Objects (custom post types) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript AJAX interface or default WordPress dashboard.

Categories: General

Lets you make a WordPress page (or port or other content type) link to a URL of your choosing (on your site, or on another site), instead of its norma …

Categories: General

A highly customizable, easy-to-use popular posts plugin!

Categories: General

The best WordPress plugin for displaying related posts. Simple and flexible, with a powerful proven algorithm and inbuilt caching.

Categories: General

Order your pages and other custom post types that support "page-attributes" with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list.

Categories: General

Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts easily using single click

Categories: General

Easily redirect pages/posts or custom post types to another page/post or external URL by specifying the redirect URL and type (301, 302, 307, meta).

Categories: General

Lets you edit the WordPress admin menu. You can re-order, hide or rename menus, add custom menus and more.

Categories: General

This plugin adds a checkbox, “include this page in menus”, uncheck this to exclude pages from the page navigation that users see on your site.

Categories: General

Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.

Categories: General

Automatically publishes blogposts to profiles/pages/groups on Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Blogger, Tumblr ... 22 more

Categories: General

Intuitively, order items( Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Sites ) using a drag and drop sortable JavaScript.

Categories: General

Provides flexible and advanced recent posts. Display it via shortcode or widget with thumbnails, post excerpt, taxonomy and more.

Categories: General

Postman is a next-generation SMTP Mailer, software that assists in the delivery of email generated by your WordPress site.

Categories: General

Add a sitemap on any of your page using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]. Improve the SEO and navigation of your website.

Categories: General

Automatically generate the Featured Image from the first image in post or any custom post type only if Featured Image is not set manually.

Categories: General

WordPress Related Posts - the plugin for related posts with thumbnails. Caching included.

Categories: General

Order posts(posts, any custom post types) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript. Configuration is unnecessary.

Categories: General

Integrate a fancy slideshow in just five steps. - Rainbows. Rainbows everywhere.

Categories: General

Creates functionality to duplicate any and all post types, including taxonomies & custom fields.

Categories: General

Using this plugin, you can fix all 404 error links by redirecting them to homepage using the SEO 301 redirection. Improve your SEO rank & pages speed

Categories: General

This plugin adds a simple Facebook Page Like Widget to your WordPress sidebar, footer area (as a widget), and page or post (as a Shortcode).

Categories: General

Easy to use Under Construction Page & Coming Soon Page. Enable Under Construction Mode in seconds & show you're Under Construction!

Categories: General

Creates a Coming Soon page or Launch page for your Website while it's under construction and collects emails from your visitors.

Categories: General

Adds a tree view of all pages & custom posts. Get a great overview + options to drag & drop to reorder & option to add multiple pages.

Categories: General

What this plugin does is to reveal most removed IDs on admin pages, as it was in versions prior to 2.5.

Categories: General

Easy to show posts, pages, custom posts in grid, list, slider, accordion... Highly Customizable. Available as Shortcode, Blocks, Elementor Widgets.

Categories: General

Appends .html to the URL of PAGES when using permalinks

Categories: General

The easiest and highest rated way to Add Widgets or Sidebars to Posts and Pages using Visual editor, shortcodes or template tags.

Categories: General

"SSH SFTP Updater Support" is the easiest way to keep your WordPress installation up-to-date with SFTP.

Categories: General

Choose whether to show or hide the author's name.

Categories: General

Feature content in a JavaScript powered slideshow gallery showcase on your WordPress website.

Categories: General

A WordPress plugin which shows the current template file name, the current theme name and included template files' name in the tool bar.

Categories: General

WordPress Compatible: yes WP Multisite Compatible: yes Multisite Blog Farm Compatible: yes Tested up to: 3.2 Requires at least: 3.

Categories: General

Simply shows the ID of Posts, Pages, Media, Links, Categories, Tags and Users in the admin tables for easy access.

Categories: General

A shortcode for displaying a slideshow of image attachments for a post.

Categories: General

Allows you to embed content within your blog post via WordPress ShortCode API and toggling the visibility of the content via a link.

Categories: General

Requires at least: 3.7 Tested up to: 4.3.1 Stable tag: 1.0.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

Categories: General

The Show IDs plugin displays the ID of all posts, categories, pages, taxonomies, users, tags, and more.

Categories: General

This plugin provides a very flexible way to show posts anywhere on a site using a shortcode. It works with any theme. Weaver Show Posts is by far the …

Categories: General

Build elegant slideshows in seconds.

Categories: General

This plugin shows post/page/category/tag/comment/media/user IDs on admin's edit post/page/category/tag/comment/media/user pages.

Categories: General

Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow plugin lets you showcase images in a horizontal scroll style. Scroll will start automatically.

Categories: General

Fluid Responsive Slideshow is an easy to use slideshow. It's responsive, dummyproof and powered with 50+ beautiful skins.

Categories: General

When uploading, it will shrink the image automatically. The feature is keeping the aspect ratio and maximum file size can be specified.

Categories: General

The KissHerder plugin allows you to easily add your KissMetrics code. You can also track user interaction such as commenting, tweeting, shares, etc.

Categories: General

A simple plugin to show public keys of the authors.

Categories: General

Office opening and close time or business hours display

Categories: General