Plugins on the list:

Automatically detects a domain name change, and updates all the WordPress tables in the database to reflect this change.

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Now also for page-based (as opposed to date-based) archives.

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Map any blog/site on a WordPressMU or WordPress 3.X network to an external domain.

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Site maintenance mode

By Nikolay Samoylov

Add feature "Site closed for maintenance"

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Easily add Noindex and Nofollow to post, page, search and category page.

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Ask search engines not to index individual pages by checking an option in the publish post box.

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Allows multiple domains to be pointed at a single WordPress install with customization for each.

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Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose.

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This plugin allows you to have multiple domains in a single Wordpress installation and enables custom redirects for each domain.

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Ajax Domain Checker is a WordPress plugin which allow you easily to check domain name availability from your wordpress site.

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Group recent posts by category and show them inside boxes organized to columns.

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Redirect to Mobile domain and switch mobile theme

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Bootstrap one page woocommerce checkout, that show chekout and card in one page.

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A quick, easy way to add an Featured product by category to woocommerce. Also work…

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Show content of specific posts, pages, ... within their own, additional domains. Useful for SEO: different domains for landingpages.

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The Multiple Domains with Analytics plugin allows Wordpress to be mirrored across multiple domain names. This requires your DNS settings to be configu …

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Domain Mirror is a plugin to allow one Wordpress installation to be accessed form more than one domain.

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User Domain Whitelist

By Warren Harrison

The User Domain Whitelist/Blacklist plugin limits user registration to only registrants with an email address from the domain white list provided by t …

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Add META ROBOTS NOINDEX to Attachment Pages in WordPress for better SEO

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Domain Theme allows you to specify more then one domain name with your WordPress installation and assign individual themes to each one.

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Use BitPay's plugin to accept Bitcoin payments from customers anywhere on earth. Key features: Support all bitcoin and bitcoin cash wallets th …

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Recently moved your site from one domain to another and suddenly none of your images…

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A quick, easy way to add an best selling products by category to woocommerce. Also…

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Subdomains allows users to setup there main categories as subdomains. It's a lite and fast code.

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woocommerce featured products plugin for WooCommerce products to show featured products by catergory.

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Check a Domain WHOIS Lookup for availability. Simple insert the [pwhois] shortcode on a page or post

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This Plugin allows users to setup there main categories as subdomains

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Forces your Wordpress site to load on the domain registered in the WP admin.

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Adds the domain association file to enable Apple Pay on the Web for your Stripe account.

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jano wp and woocommerce advanced search is the best plugin for wordpress and woocommerce, autosuggest products and posts search,

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The Pronamic Domain Mapping plugin allows you to map domains to custom domain name pages.

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WordPress plugin that allows you to display the responsive WHMCS Domain Checker in a widget.

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Enable your site to have a different domains for HTTP and HTTPS.

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Setup your main categories, pages, and authors as subdomains with custom themes. Surely will come for more options...

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WP Subdomains is a plugin for Wordpress that allows you to setup your main categories, pages and authors as subdomains.

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One Install, one DB, multiple domains, each with its own theme.

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This plugin allows you to create domain search widgets and check domain availability from the admin dashboard.

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This plugin allows you to add list and grid view toggle option to your WooCommerce store.

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Плагин заключает любые ссылки в комментариях в теги <noindex></noindex>.

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Enable access multiple domain.

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This plugin allow you create subdomain without using Wordpress Multisite ! Setup your main categories, tag, pages, and authors as subdomains !

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This feature has been introduced in the original Cookie Law Plugin Info plugin by Richard…

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Automatically maps subdomains to page and post permalinks based on post slug.

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Convert page into Subdomain, instanly convert any wordpress page to subdomain, i.e

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Redirects visitors to the the site's URL as it appears in the WordPress database in case they're not already connecting through that domain.

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This plugin allows you to add ajax driven drop down cart for your woocommerce store using shortcode [nc_ajax_cart]

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bootstrap-main-menu-responsive: is your perfect bootstrap menu for both computers and mobiles. You can Choose between fixed at top, fixed at bottom, n …

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Disables search-engine indexing for all password-protected posts.

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Only allow users with email addresses from certain domains to register in BuddyPress.

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LionScripts' Site Maintenance & Noindex Nofollow is a very useful Site Maintenance plugin, which provides you space to work on your site, whe …

Categories: General

This plugin provide info related to your domain such as inbound links, rank, advisor rating etc..

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Adds the noindex meta tag to your WordPress Login page. If your WordPress blog has a public login page, you probably don't want it to be indexed …

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This is a plugin used to redirect user to custom link after successful checkout.

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TWS payment gateway for Woocommerce.

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Fix for Gravity Forms tabindex issue, when more than one forms are displaying on one page.

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You will need this plugin if your blog domain is changed, this plugin will make your old domain 301 redirect to your new domain.

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WangGuard Limited Registration Domain Add-On is an Add-on for WangGuard plugin. You can allow or disallow a list of domains.

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A simple plugin for WordPress that allows you to display the Domain Checker for WHMCS in a nice tidy widget.

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By using this plugin, your website/blog users can search for domain names through the widget…

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Use different domains for backend (admin) and frontend on Wordpress.

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Edit database to change wordpress site's domains

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YG-Subdomains allows users to setup there specified page as subdomains. It's a lite and fast code.

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Check if a domain is available. More than 500 top level domains are supported.

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A lightweight plugin to block any email domain from WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download checkout page

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WordPress shortcode support for BrightTALK channel

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This plugin will add a nice and animated Woocommerce product accordain.

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Integrate pelepay CC processing with your woocommerce store

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Add a domain name field to the posts’ edit pages you have selected (through category and/or post type identifiers). Allow each post to have its own do …

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A simple woocommerce plugin to show the products with animated grid loading effects.Fully responsive plugin.

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Cookie Meddelande är en mycket enkel plugin till WordPress. Pluginen visar ett meddelandefält på botten av sidan där användaren informeras om att sajt …

Categories: General

This widget allows you to add your wishlist to your blog. Simply enter the URL to your wishlist and all your wishes will be displayed.

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This plugin is based on Fix-Duplicates plugin.

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This plugin enables restriction of email domains during user registration for a single (non-multisite) WordPress installation of BuddyPress

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Prevent people from registering with emails that contain a subdomain to help reduce spam.

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Provides a mCASH payment gateway for WooCommerce.

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The Wordpress Plugin WP ImageHost is a simple and easy to configurable plugin to host…

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Customise the domain name used to generate shortlink URLs.

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The domain which can be used for user's registration can be restricted.

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Send notification buddypress for all member when publish woocommerce product.

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DomainTools whois plugin shows whois data for domains found in blog articles and links them to

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Whitelist or Blacklist email domains used for new user registration.

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Sends an email summarizing the orders that are on_hold and the quantity of each item

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Automatically add a "noindex" meta tag to The Events Calendar's detail pages for past events, to prevent them from appearing in search engines.

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A multi site listing plugin.

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This plugin validates the existence of the domain name that is entered in the email address while checkout for WP e-Commerce store owners.

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پرداخت اینترنتی وجه به وسیله درگاه پرداخت واسطه پرداخت پال

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Use this plugin to autofill the Site ID field by searching for a site domain on your network.

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Bitcoin/Litecoin Payments with WooCommerce plugin for WordPress.

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Simple loading text domains loading mapper

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Show availibilty date for woocommerce products.

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Ask search engines not to index individual pages by a relative path - which means you can set every url no matter it is a page, category listing or an …

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Diff Domain New Tab checks your external links and open in new tab.

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Add simple local pick up selection and delivery date time on checkout page

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Woo Domain Coupons

By Two Row Studio

Woo-Domain-Coupons Simple plugin to extend Coupons in WooCommerce to restrict them to a specific domain's email addresses Perfect for employee d …

Categories: General

Domain Mapping System is the most powerful way to manage alias domains and map them to any published resource - creating Microsites with ease!

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Accept Bitcoin on your WooCommerce-powered website with Coinbase.

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Domain Check lets you search domain names, check SSL certificates and HTTPS, set email alerts for domain and SSL expiration, and get daily coupons.

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Redirect users to specific URL based on the domain name they used to enter your website.

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Domain Sharding

By David Garcia

This plugin modify the url of the images to speed up the page browsing.

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Domain Sharding

By David Garcia

This plugin modify the url of the images to speed up the page browsing.

Categories: General

This plugin will automatically add a 'Noindex' meta tag to posts that are a duplicate determined by the slug and preexisting post names.

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Plugin displays in the Woocommerce cart the amount left to gain free shipping. If the minimum amount is reached, the text disappears.

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This plugin can add rel="noindex,nofollow" to archive, tag, and category links. You can configure exactly which links are given which attrib …

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WP Domain Redirect plugin is intended for domain redirection based on country.

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DomainLabs Domain Whois Plugin for Wordpress

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This plugin allows you to search for domain names on your website and check their…

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This plugin automatically add to cart product,when customers are visiting product's page.

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Wordpress Domain Changer helps administrator to move his blog into another domain without knowing the SQL query. Just 1 click install plugin and activ …

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This plugin switch if your site is being on subdomain to an different, selectable theme.

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By using this plugin, You will be able to add Ads/Information/Image to various positions in Woocommerce single product page.

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Double Slash Domains

By David Garcia

This plugin removes the http/https schema from urls inside the blog source code and replace them with double slash.

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Provide your visitors the ability to calculate their body mass index to determine wheter their bmi in normal, they are underweight or they are overwei …

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Create index of tags

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Add Woocommerce bulk quote fields to the popular Contact Form 7 plugin

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Finally beautiful weather widgets for your beautiful site.

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Woocommerce Best Selling Products side bar Widget Shows the No of Heighest sell Product On…

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Domain mapping management for WordPress Multisite.

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Custom plugin uploaded by Minh Tao

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With this plugin you can easily create a list of domains that are not allowed in your Contact Form 7 forms.

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Convert post into Subdomain.

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This plugin allows you to have multiple domains in a single Wordpress installation and enables custom frontpage or redirect for each of them.

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Provide your website visitors the capability to search for available domain names on selected registrars.

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