Plugins on the list:

Install this plugin on unlimited sites and manage them all from a central dashboard. This plugin communicates with your InfiniteWP Admin Panel.

Categories: General

Form Maker is a user-friendly contact form builder that allows to create forms for any purpose, from a simple contact form to multi page survey forms

Categories: General

This plugin is an intuitive tool for creating responsive contact forms by rearranging and editing fields.

Categories: General

No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.

Categories: General

Isn't that natural to just click on something, drag it, choose color from color picker, use slider to change the size and do other modifications …

Categories: General

Track daily and total visits on your blog posts. Display the count as well as popular and trending posts.

Categories: General

The ultimate infinite scroll and lazy load solution for your WordPress powered website.

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Categories: General

This plugin counts views for post and pages, shortcodes [post_view] & [most_view] are available, also a widget "Most Viewed Posts" is.

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By Beaver6813, dirkhaim, Paul Irish, benbalter, Glenn Nelson

Automatically append the next page of posts (via AJAX) to your page when a user scrolls to the bottom.

Categories: General

Automatically detects a domain name change, and updates all the WordPress tables in the database to reflect this change.

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By namithjawahar

Add Adsense ads to WordPress website pages, posts, custom posts, search results, categories, tags, and widgets.

Categories: General

Live chat and help desk software plugin for WordPress. Add LiveChat (live chat and help desk software) to your WordPress.

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Now also for page-based (as opposed to date-based) archives.

Categories: General

Map any blog/site on a WordPressMU or WordPress 3.X network to an external domain.

Categories: General

Simply insert your google meta tag verification code using this helpful plugin.

Categories: General

Add infinite scrolling to archive post or shop page.

Categories: General

A quick, easy way to add an responsive FAQs page. You can use this plugin as a jQuery UI accordion. Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.

Categories: General

It is plug-in which can perform a SEO measure on Wordpress. hpbdashboard is needed in order to operate this plug-in.

Categories: General

This tiny plugin adds silently the viewport meta tag with zooming permission to allow your users to zoom in your website with mobile browsers.

Categories: General

You can use this vertical marquee plugin to make your text scroll upward or downwards.

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Site maintenance mode

By Nikolay Samoylov

Add feature "Site closed for maintenance"

Categories: General

Easily add Noindex and Nofollow to post, page, search and category page.

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WordPress slider plugin for Featured Content that can create responsive, video enabled sliders from your existing WordPress content.

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Free PDF Flipbook plugin for wordpress. Publish your pdf's documents from your wordpress site!

Categories: General

Manage property listings, RESO Web API / IDX / VOW real estate options and scalable features. Support for all RESO Web API based MLS providers in Nort …

Categories: General

BatchMove is a WP plugin that make it possible to change the category where a…

Categories: General

Choose infinite scroll, load more button or pagination. Load paged content with Ajax on your posts, pages, search, custom post types and WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Ask search engines not to index individual pages by checking an option in the publish post box.

Categories: General

Convenient way for Wordpress users to use the Typekit font service in the sites. Typekit plugin for wordpress.

Categories: General

10WebFAQ User Manual

Categories: General

Now! Plugin for AdSense gets you started with Google AdSense. No mess, no fuss. Simplest Google AdSense plugin.

Categories: General

Add the ability to attach meta data to the wordpress categories and terms. It can be used to add meta to custom taxonomies (terms).

Categories: General

Allows multiple domains to be pointed at a single WordPress install with customization for each.

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This is a beautiful responsive vertical image slider for WordPress blogs and sites. Admin can manage any number of images into the responsive vertical …

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Easily embed EasyVideoSuite videos into WordPress posts, even with the visual editor!

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BMo Exposition is a gallery and exhibition plugins for wordpress. It allows you to replace default wordpress galleries and NextGen galleries with beau …

Categories: General

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose.

Categories: General

10Web MailChimp Forms is a functional plugin developed to create MailChimp subscribe/unsubscribe forms and manage…

Categories: General

This plugin uses the Spreadshirt API to list articles and let your customers order articles of your Spreadshirt shop using Spreadshirt order process.

Categories: General

This plugin allows you to have multiple domains in a single Wordpress installation and enables custom redirects for each domain.

Categories: General

Google Analytics by Analyticator is a Simple and easy to use Google analytics tracking plugin for WordPress.

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Ajax Domain Checker is a WordPress plugin which allow you easily to check domain name availability from your wordpress site.

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Group recent posts by category and show them inside boxes organized to columns.

Categories: General

10WebEcommerce is a highly-functional, user friendly WordPress Ecommerce plugin, which is perfect for developing online stores.

Categories: General

Show multi-currency pricing and dual-currency display, accept multi-currency payment, support IP detection, custom/global rate, fixed price and more

Categories: General Affiliates, this plugin allows you to add a typical booking module on any…

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Redirect to Mobile domain and switch mobile theme

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Theme and plugin translation using Polylang for WordPress. Extension for Polylang plugin.

Categories: General

This is the ultimate social network plugin for WordPress. You can create your own social…

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Show content of specific posts, pages, ... within their own, additional domains. Useful for SEO: different domains for landingpages.

Categories: General

The Multiple Domains with Analytics plugin allows Wordpress to be mirrored across multiple domain names. This requires your DNS settings to be configu …

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Stella plugin

By Frumatic

Simple and effective way to build a multi-language website.

Categories: General

Domain Mirror is a plugin to allow one Wordpress installation to be accessed form more than one domain.

Categories: General

This is the best team management plugin to customize and showcase staff members on your…

Categories: General

User Domain Whitelist

By Warren Harrison

The User Domain Whitelist/Blacklist plugin limits user registration to only registrants with an email address from the domain white list provided by t …

Categories: General

You can Copy protect your images and Lock copy from right-click protect your content from being copied by others so your posts will still uniqe conten …

Categories: General

Add META ROBOTS NOINDEX to Attachment Pages in WordPress for better SEO

Categories: General

Domain Theme allows you to specify more then one domain name with your WordPress installation and assign individual themes to each one.

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Add a list of "Subscribe" links to your sidebar. Options include your blog and podcast feed, Twitter page, iTunes, Facebook Fan Page, Google …

Categories: General

No more page refresh for next page click. User can stay on same page to see all result with Infinite Scroll and Load More.

Categories: General

Discover weDocs, the ultimate WordPress documentation plugin. Easily create, manage, and organize content with seamless integration and a user-friendl …

Categories: General

Novalnet payment plugin provides all popular online payment methods for your WooCommerce webshop.

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Create cool slideshows easily and quickly

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Enhanced Login Security for Your Wordpress blog.

Categories: General

This plugin create a post slider on the wordpress website. We have option to customize the slider direction.

Categories: General

Recently moved your site from one domain to another and suddenly none of your images…

Categories: General

With RoundIt plugin you can set special effects to your pictures that you add in pages or posts. You can make your images Round, set Round Corners, ad …

Categories: General

Simply insert your Pinterest meta tag verification code using this helpful plugin.

Categories: General

Subdomains allows users to setup there main categories as subdomains. It's a lite and fast code.

Categories: General

Simply insert your bing meta tag verification code using this helpful plugin.

Categories: General

There is a tendency to scroll down till one reaches the end of a web page. Infinite Scrolling Plugin uses this insight.

Categories: General

Free live chat plugin to chat with the visitors of your website. Integrate a beautiful and fully customizable chat box. Hosted in Europe.

Categories: General

The easiest way to install SnapEngage Live Chat on your WordPress site! Use it for Sales, Support, or both!

Categories: General

Check a Domain WHOIS Lookup for availability. Simple insert the [pwhois] shortcode on a page or post

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This plugin allows you to easily create posts that are based on your OpenMenu and thus embedding restaurant menus in any Wordpress website.

Categories: General

10WebAdManager is functional and comprehensive plugin which is created to help you monetize your WordPress…

Categories: General

Youtube video gallery is a plugin for wordpress that allows you to create nice youtube…

Categories: General

This Plugin allows users to setup there main categories as subdomains

Categories: General

Forces your Wordpress site to load on the domain registered in the WP admin.

Categories: General

Allows the user to specify whether post info, aka byline or Post meta (author and…

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Download plugins and themes on your site as a .zip and ready to install on another site.

Categories: General

Scrapes Lite is a WordPress plugin that copies contents from a website to your WordPress website for once or multiple times automatically.

Categories: General

ICEPAY online payment plugin for WooCommerce provides all popular online payment methods for your WooCommerce webshop.

Categories: General

WP Infinite Scrolling enables infinite scrolling on your WordPress blog.

Categories: General

1) Upload the publishtofacebook.php to your Wordpress plugins directory. 2) Activate the plugin from your…

Categories: General

Adds the domain association file to enable Apple Pay on the Web for your Stripe account.

Categories: General

This is a Beta release. If you find a bug or you have a feature request, feel free to mail the developer.

Categories: General

Create your own unique title and meta description for the front page of your Wordpress blog with this SEO plugin.

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The Pronamic Domain Mapping plugin allows you to map domains to custom domain name pages.

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WordPress plugin that allows you to display the responsive WHMCS Domain Checker in a widget.

Categories: General

Place Pinterest Buttons, Pins, Boards and Profiles everywhere in you WordPress using simple shortcodes and a fully customizable widget.

Categories: General

The better your readers can express themselves, the more engaged they'll be with your site.…

Categories: General

Enable your site to have a different domains for HTTP and HTTPS.

Categories: General

Setup your main categories, pages, and authors as subdomains with custom themes. Surely will come for more options...

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Infinite scroll extended to single post pages

Categories: General

Create unobtrusive and effective PopUp windows with any content for your Wordpress site using Wow…

Categories: General

WP Subdomains is a plugin for Wordpress that allows you to setup your main categories, pages and authors as subdomains.

Categories: General

Innovative slider plugin for WordPress based sites. Features 20 or more tiles of your best content on the same page! Draggable and responsive.

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One Install, one DB, multiple domains, each with its own theme.

Categories: General

A fully responsive gallery plugin with efficient lazy loading, fade-in effect and fullscreen slider.

Categories: General

This plugin allows you to create domain search widgets and check domain availability from the admin dashboard.

Categories: General

Activate the plugin in wordpress No more html comments in your site have fun :)…

Categories: General

Infinite scroll and AJAX pagination for WooCommerce and WordPress

Categories: General

Плагин заключает любые ссылки в комментариях в теги <noindex></noindex>.

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A standalone version of Infinite Scroll from Jetpack.

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Enable access multiple domain.

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Plugin that creates a widget with a language switcher with language codes. It's compatible with qtranslate and mqtranslate plugin.

Categories: General

This plugin allow you create subdomain without using Wordpress Multisite ! Setup your main categories, tag, pages, and authors as subdomains !

Categories: General

Easily embed Audello files into WordPress posts, even with the visual editor!

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Solidres is a hotel booking plugin for WordPress that helps you create your online booking business easily and beautifully.

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Import Ads+Users from CSV file in ClassiPress Theme

Categories: General

This feature has been introduced in the original Cookie Law Plugin Info plugin by Richard…

Categories: General

VM menu order is simple to use. It provides drag n drop functionality which makes it more easier to use. In three simple steps you can set menu.

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The shortcode displays posts on vertical timeline by infinite scroll.

Categories: General

Automatically maps subdomains to page and post permalinks based on post slug.

Categories: General

Faq plugin provide you accordion with simple,easy,best,quick and multiple faq.

Categories: General

With Aspire Smart FAQ you can use custom post types and taxonomies to manage FAQs section for your site along with many more features.

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The #1 Landing Page & Coming Soon plugin help you to manage your wordpress site and display responsive coming soon page or maintenance mode page o …

Categories: General

Convert page into Subdomain, instanly convert any wordpress page to subdomain, i.e

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Redirects visitors to the the site's URL as it appears in the WordPress database in case they're not already connecting through that domain.

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Easily enable Genesis to use Jetpack's Infinite Scroll feature.

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Displays public tweets from a twitter user.

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MJ news plugin news plugin.

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bootstrap-main-menu-responsive: is your perfect bootstrap menu for both computers and mobiles. You can Choose between fixed at top, fixed at bottom, n …

Categories: General

This plugin integrates google calender api to wordpress admin page.

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The easy and right way to include jquery,scriptaculous etc. in your site.

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Disables search-engine indexing for all password-protected posts.

Categories: General

Only allow users with email addresses from certain domains to register in BuddyPress.

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List of Posts from each Category plugin for WordPress

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Creates an interactive dictionary of terms and definitions with jQuery and shortcodes.

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Please visit the new pirobox wp plugin at page Pirobox Extended 1.1

Categories: General

Flex Map is a wordpress map plugin that provides many features with different map types…

Categories: General

Questo plugin ti permette di integrare il sistema di scambio visite di in modo automatico.

Categories: General

FAQ plugin is a quick, easy way to add an FAQs page.

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Convert the markup of the Thematic theme framework to html5

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Ironclad CAPTCHA WP plugin

By Andrey Yeriomin

3D objects-based CAPTCHA to get rid of spam in comments.

Categories: General

by Yoni jah This is a very simple wordpress plugin that will add open graph…

Categories: General WordPress plugin

By Jānis Akmentiņš

Plugin for integrating comment system in Wordpress.

Categories: General

LionScripts' Site Maintenance & Noindex Nofollow is a very useful Site Maintenance plugin, which provides you space to work on your site, whe …

Categories: General

YARSS - Yet Another RSS plugin

Categories: General

This plugin provide info related to your domain such as inbound links, rank, advisor rating etc..

Categories: General

Adds the noindex meta tag to your WordPress Login page. If your WordPress blog has a public login page, you probably don't want it to be indexed …

Categories: General

The Definitive URL Sanitizer is a simple plugin that really sanitizes posts URL

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Categories: General

A plugin for uploading media files to Google Cloud Storage.

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Add Infinite Scroll to Twenty Fifteen theme easily, animation effect and custom text messages, easy to use, just activate plugin.

Categories: General

Fix for Gravity Forms tabindex issue, when more than one forms are displaying on one page.

Categories: General

IFrame-less plugin is a simple and SEO friendly way to embed non-PHP dynamic content directly…

Categories: General

Fast, easy to use cache for WordPress with option for 3 separate CDN's. Optimize Database.

Categories: General

You will need this plugin if your blog domain is changed, this plugin will make your old domain 301 redirect to your new domain.

Categories: General

Display your existing WordPress bookmarks into link directory by simply inserting a shortcode. you can…

Categories: General

Azure App Insights plugin

By vsacja, ApplicationInsights, Bluefireray

Azure App Insights plugin gives you the ability to view your Application Insights data in your WordPress dashboard.

Categories: General

Save your time by automatically converting from .DOCX to content with all WordPress post attributes.

Categories: General

Add Cardinity checkout form to your WooCommerce site and start accepting payments.

Categories: General

This is just any wordpress site any visitor and Of all users ‍hidden wordpress admin bar.

Categories: General

WangGuard Limited Registration Domain Add-On is an Add-on for WangGuard plugin. You can allow or disallow a list of domains.

Categories: General

Add MultiSite functionality for managing PowerPress, requires MultiSite and PowerPress.

Categories: General

A simple plugin for WordPress that allows you to display the Domain Checker for WHMCS in a nice tidy widget.

Categories: General

By using this plugin, your website/blog users can search for domain names through the widget…

Categories: General

Manage your orders for the Melascrivi or hotype marketplace.

Categories: General

Use different domains for backend (admin) and frontend on Wordpress.

Categories: General

It means; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z are converte …

Categories: General

Edit database to change wordpress site's domains

Categories: General

YG-Subdomains allows users to setup there specified page as subdomains. It's a lite and fast code.

Categories: General

Check if a domain is available. More than 500 top level domains are supported.

Categories: General

This is Real Estate property management plugin with smart admin control with Grid layout output options

Categories: General

A lightweight plugin to block any email domain from WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download checkout page

Categories: General

Integration between the popular Wordpress SEO module by Yoast and mqtranslate plugin (a fork of qtranslate that is updated).

Categories: General

SMS Marketing, Text Marketing and Text Messaging service through TXTImpact plugin allows to collect mobile numbers, name, and emails from blog or webs …

Categories: General

Simplicity is easy to use gallery plugin that allows you to create and manage image galleries just dropping the files into a folder of your choice.

Categories: General

Include the tablebooker modules for booking, gift cards, takeaway, menu card and more in your Wordpress site.

Categories: General

Audioboo-advance adds support for (a single) widget per post/page and unlimited number of embeds using…

Categories: General

Een plugin van KeenDelivery voor WooCommerce waarmee op eenvoudige wijze labels aan kunt maken voor uw zendingen.

Categories: General

VideoDesk plugin

By VideoDesk Team + Zihad D.

Offer face-to-face customer service on your website via text, audio or video chat.

Categories: General

Site Language Definition is a simple plugin for forcing the web browser to know what language your site is in.

Categories: General

Show teams:

Categories: General

Live chat and help desk software plugin for WordPress website. An application for live chat, help desk, online customer service and support.

Categories: General

This plugin provides two shortcodes that make it easier to create links to view documents with the Google Document Viewer.

Categories: General

EFCA II Plugin can add up to four extra featured posts sections on the frontpage…

Categories: General

Stop struggling with email automation. Build your list, create beautiful email sequences and automatically send…

Categories: General

Blogville Blog Direcotry Plugin updates your blog listing at the blogville blog directory with the date your blog was last updated.

Categories: General

Put this in your plugins dir, enable the plugin. Go to the widgets page, and drag to the place you want. By default it uses my own google+ id until yo …

Categories: General

just install the plugin.

By jobayersozib

post title="my first post" your post title show in front end like "My First Post" it's the simplest plugin. thank you

Categories: General

Add a domain name field to the posts’ edit pages you have selected (through category and/or post type identifiers). Allow each post to have its own do …

Categories: General

A powerful masonry layout system for displaying content in WordPress.

Categories: General

Cookie Meddelande är en mycket enkel plugin till WordPress. Pluginen visar ett meddelandefält på botten av sidan där användaren informeras om att sajt …

Categories: General

Rosetta plugin

By Frumatic

Rosetta renamed to Stella! Check out last version at

Categories: General

HSTS is HTTP Strict Transport Security, a mean to enforce using SSL even if the…

Categories: General

Simple plugin for displaying public twitter messages of a single user or multiple users on…

Categories: General

Deze plugin biedt u de vertaling voor de Shopp 1.2.* plugin naar het Nederlands

Categories: General is the german version of This plugin makes your products available for your sidebar.

Categories: General

Display your Xbox live avatar on your wordpress site/blog

Categories: General

This widget allows you to add your wishlist to your blog. Simply enter the URL to your wishlist and all your wishes will be displayed.

Categories: General

Use to automatically show a live conversion of a currency amount on your site.

Categories: General

Smart testimonials plugin will allow webmaster to turn the boring looking testimonials into a fancy attractive page with several formatting options.

Categories: General

This plugin is based on Fix-Duplicates plugin.

Categories: General

This plugin uses the Thumbshots.RU API to replace special tags in posts with website screenshots. Note: This plugin is no longer maintained.

Categories: General

This plugin enables restriction of email domains during user registration for a single (non-multisite) WordPress installation of BuddyPress

Categories: General

Display serach button in plugin-install page.

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Embed clips from YouTube with least clicks possible

Categories: General

Prevent people from registering with emails that contain a subdomain to help reduce spam.

Categories: General

WebRTC-based WeSeeDo enables real-time video contact between you and your online visitors. Why wait for…

Categories: General

Easy and smart way to add popup banner in your site.

Categories: General

The Wordpress Plugin WP ImageHost is a simple and easy to configurable plugin to host…

Categories: General

Customise the domain name used to generate shortlink URLs.

Categories: General

PalTip plugin

By Amir Lotan

PalTip earns you cash when anyone clicks your link through our auto-affiliate program. Start earning…

Categories: General

This framework plugin makes adding options screens with sections and fields to WordPress very simple,…

Categories: General

DaoVoice plugin for wordpress . DaoVoice is a fundamentally new way for internet businesses to communicate with customers, personally, at scale.

Categories: General has identified this plugin to be spam.

Categories: General

This plugin integrates eFront with Wordpress. Promote your eFront content through your WordPress site.

Categories: General

Simple widget which fetch jobs from api .

Categories: General

Add support to the P2 theme for Jetpack Infinite Scroll.

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The domain which can be used for user's registration can be restricted.

Categories: General

Ratings FilmAffinity Widget shows the latest movies as voted by you in FilmAffinity.

Categories: General

Try any plugin/theme on a sandbox for FREE. No more messing around with your installation.

Categories: General

of ratings for categories and items you design. To see it in action, visit…

Categories: General

WP W3D aims to help WP users or developers to add easily several UI elements to their website, including 3D components and complex animated layouts.

Categories: General

DomainTools whois plugin shows whois data for domains found in blog articles and links them to

Categories: General

This framework plugin makes adding post types with taxonomies and meta to WordPress very simple,…

Categories: General

Whitelist or Blacklist email domains used for new user registration.

Categories: General

The SearchFit WordPress plugin gives the ability to use shortcodes to visualize products on the…

Categories: General

Select post template.

Categories: General

The plugin is designed for video recording from webcame and recorded video is saved on you tube channel

Categories: General

Automatically add a "noindex" meta tag to The Events Calendar's detail pages for past events, to prevent them from appearing in search engines.

Categories: General

This plugin creates a dynamic appcache manifest.

Categories: General

A multi site listing plugin.

Categories: General

Help you to display shopally products in the posts or pages.

Categories: General