Plugins on the list:

Get together safely, in your own way, in WordPress.

Categories: General

Add albums, photo, audio/video upload, privacy, sharing, front-end uploads & more. All this works on mobile/tablets devices.

Categories: General

Member search and member directories for BuddyPress and the BuddyBoss Platform.

Categories: General

Share files the BuddyPress way!

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Add buttons to the BuddyPress activity feed that make it super easy to share images, videos, and links from around the web.

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BuddyPress Global Search allows for a global, unified search of all BuddyPress components, with a live dropdown as you type.

Categories: General

Adds collaborative Docs to BuddyPress.

Categories: General

Buddypress 2.5 required! This plugin add custom field types to Buddypress Xprofile extension. Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url, ...

Categories: General

BuddyPress Follow

By Andy Peatling, r-a-y

Follow members on your BuddyPress site with this nifty plugin.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Group Email Subscription

By Deryk Wenaus, boonebgorges, r-a-y

This powerful plugin allows users to receive email notifications of group activity. Weekly or daily digests are available.

Categories: General

BP Social Connect is a social login integration plugin for BuddyPress.

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The plugin adds DEFAULT Profile and Group cover settings in WP Admin - Settings - BuddyPress - Settings.

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BuddyPress Edit Activity allows your members to edit their activity posts on the front-end of your BuddyPress-powered site.

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Moderate new BuddyPress members and fight BuddyPress spam.

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Gives users the ability to 'like' content across your BuddyPress enabled site.

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Give your groups the ability to have any custom fields admins want. Also, an extra page will appear with the chosen content (with subpages).

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BuddyPress for LearnDash integrates the LearnDash LMS plugin with BuddyPress, so you can add groups, activity, members, and forums to your courses.

Categories: General

ServerBuddy by tests server configuration to look for problems with hosting configuration and determine hosting quality.

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Combat spam registrations for a BuddyPress-powered site using Google's reCAPTCHA

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A Twitter (v1.1) feed plugin for the developers that's fully customisable and support timelines, searches and lists.

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A Twitter (v1.1) feed plugin for the developers that's fully customisable and support timelines, searches and lists.

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BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin add a privacy level to activity stream component.

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By elrata_

Integrates reCAPTCHA anti-spam methods with WordPress sites using BuddyPress plugin, including comment and registration spam protection.

Categories: General

BP Group Documents

By lenasterg

BP Group Documents creates a page within each BuddyPress group to upload and any type of file or document.

Categories: General

ContactBuddy by iThemes is the easiest way to add a simple contact form to your…

Categories: General

ContactBuddy by iThemes is the easiest way to add a simple contact form to your…

Categories: General

This plugin adds Google's reCAPTCHA form to your BuddyPress' registration page to keep your community spam-free! You can use out simple opti …

Categories: General

Plugin will create lots of users, messages, friends connections, groups, topics, activity items, profile data - useful for testing purpose.

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BuddyPress Members Only restricts Your Buddypress and Wordpress to logged in/registered members.

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BuddyPress Members Only restricts Your Buddypress and Wordpress to logged in/registered members.

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Redirect users to their BuddyPress profile on login.

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Based on crashutah, apeatling plugin Disables the activation email and automatically activates new users in BuddyPress under a standard WP install and …

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Allows to decide buddypress website admins where their users should land after log in.

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Allows to decide buddypress website admins where their users should land after log in.

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BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget allows you to use BuddyPress Sitewide activity stream as a widget.

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BuddyPress Activity shortcode plugin allows you to insert BuddyPress activity stream on any page/post using shortcode.

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A WordPress-BuddyPress plugin to set fancy custom avatars for users with no Gravatar and no profile picture.

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A WordPress-BuddyPress plugin to set fancy custom avatars for users with no Gravatar and no profile picture.

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BuddyPress Multilingual allows BuddyPress and BuddyBoss sites to run fully multilingual using the WPML plugin.

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BuddyPress Multilingual allows BuddyPress and BuddyBoss sites to run fully multilingual using the WPML plugin.

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This plugin adds useful admin links and resources for BuddyPress 1.5+/1.6+/1.7+ to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.

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LearnPress buddyPress bring wonderful profile page for LearnPress.

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BuddyPress Custom Profile Menu

By Sensible Plugins

Easily add tabs to the BuddyPress user profile. Using this plugin, you can simply append regular Wordpress menus to BuddyPress.

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BuddyPress Custom Profile Menu

By Sensible Plugins

Easily add tabs to the BuddyPress user profile. Using this plugin, you can simply append regular Wordpress menus to BuddyPress.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Member Type Generator allows site admins to create/manage BUddyPress member types from dashboard.

Categories: General

This plugin helps you to have Facebook-like 7 emotions for reacting on any activity update .

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BuddyPress notification widget allow site admins to show BuddyPress user notification in widget.

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BuddyPress notification widget allow site admins to show BuddyPress user notification in widget.

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BuddyPress Live Notification adds a Facebook Like realtime user notifications for BuddyPress sites.

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This plugin provides your members with an easy to use Rich text editor for BuddyPress Group Forums.

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BuddyPress Shortcodes helps you in building your BuddyPress website by adding functionality of Shortcodes to BuddyPress plugin.

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BuddyPress Wall (BP-Wall) turn your Buddypress Activity Component to an activity stream similar to a Facebook “Wall”.

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BuddyPress Activity Autoloader plugin autoload activities when a user reaches at the bottom of the page. It just simulates facebook like infinite acti …

Categories: General

Allows you to insert any information from either a specific user or the current user…

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Allows you to insert any information from either a specific user or the current user…

Categories: General

BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request plugin allows users to send a personalized message with the friendship requests.

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BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request plugin allows users to send a personalized message with the friendship requests.

Categories: General

Super-lightweight plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCAPTCHA box to your BuddyPress registration form. Tough on…

Categories: General

Super-lightweight plugin adds Google's No Captcha reCAPTCHA box to your BuddyPress registration form. Tough on…

Categories: General

Bringing social engagement to Buddypress - let your community share to their hearts content all while promoting your website to social networks.

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Automatically create and accept friendships for specified users upon new user registration. * Requires BuddyPress

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Allows users to take control of the way that the links in their Buddypress profiles are handled.

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Photo Albums for BuddyPress. Includes Posts to Activity Stream, Member Comments, and Gallery Privacy Controls.

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Allows a new BuddyPress user to select groups to join during the registration process.

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With BuddyPress Simple Terms And Conditions it is easy to extend the BuddyPress registration page with your terms and conditions.

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BuddyPress Links is a drop-in link, image, video and other rich media sharing component for…

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BuddyPress Links is a drop-in link, image, video and other rich media sharing component for…

Categories: General

Inspired by Yelp compliments system BuddyPress Compliments is a BuddyPress addon that allows members to send each other compliments or eGifts.

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Inspired by Yelp compliments system BuddyPress Compliments is a BuddyPress addon that allows members to send each other compliments or eGifts.

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Plugin will transform wrong months' cases (in date) to proper ones (according Russian grammar rules).

Categories: General

BuddyPress for Sensei integrates the WooThemes Sensei plugin with BuddyPress, so you can add groups, activity, members, and forums to your courses.

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Allows admins to specify verified accounts. Adds a badge to verified usernames.

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Allows admins to specify verified accounts. Adds a badge to verified usernames.

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Protect your BuddyPress Installation from strangers. Only registered users will be allowed to view the installation.

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BuddyPress BuddyLinks does three things really well:

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Enhance your BuddyPress profile fields with Advanced XProfile Fields for BuddyPress. Manage fields labels, validation and show fields in admin.

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BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier plugin emulates the facebook style notification for the comments made on user activity.

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BuddyPress stickers Allow Users to add stickers in activity posts and message by clicking on icons

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bbPress plugin to manage your support requests.

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bbPress plugin to manage your support requests.

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This plugin will notify your members about other members that visited their profile. This plugin also provides a widget that shows last profile visito …

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A simple Private Content settings plugin for BuddyPress or the BuddyBoss Platform.

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BuddyPress Profile Tabs is a plugin that uses the Profile Groups provided in the BuddyPress options to make nice looking tabs using the jQuery UI.

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BuddyPress Profile Tabs is a plugin that uses the Profile Groups provided in the BuddyPress options to make nice looking tabs using the jQuery UI.

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This plugin will display your buddypress community total counts for members, status updates, group forums topics, posts(bbPress 1.

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This plugin will display your buddypress community total counts for members, status updates, group forums topics, posts(bbPress 1.

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BuddyPress Poke Plugin allow members to poke users just like facebook.

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BuddyPress Signup Avatar Plugin allow you add upload avatar function with ajax in register page

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Automatically join BuddyPress members to Groups.

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Mutual buddies displays BuddyPress mutual friends of the logged in user & the user whose profile the user is looking at on the Profile page.

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Send desktop notification to your users

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Send desktop notification to your users

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Allows site administrators to manage group membership on versions of BuddyPress earlier than 1.7.

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This plugin includes a new block inside each user profile page and includes a "Friend of a Friend (FOAF)" display.

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This plugin includes a new block inside each user profile page and includes a "Friend of a Friend (FOAF)" display.

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BuddyPress Cover It allows users to have a cover profile.

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After moving your mouse pointer on user/group avatar (or clicking) you will see a bubble with the defined by admin information about it.

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Adds links/buttons to flag inappropriate content and gives a convenient way to moderators to view reports and take actions.

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Buddypress xProfile Rich Text Field adds a Rich-text Editor custom field type to Extended Profiles in BuddyPress.

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Override display names across your BuddyPress site with usernames.

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BuddyPress Groupblog

By Rodney Blevins, Marius Ooms, Boone Gorges

BuddyPress Groupblog extends the group functionality by enabling the group to have a single blog associated with it.

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This plugin utilizes reCAPTCHA to help your blog stay clear of spam-registrations.

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Allows BuddyPress groups to have subgroups.

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Better Messages – is realtime private messaging system for WordPress, BuddyPress, BuddyBoss Platform, Ultimate Member, PeepSo and any other WordPress …

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This plugin will check automatically for new activities and comments and add

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This plugin will check automatically for new activities and comments and add

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Client Dash - Backup Buddy allows users to create and download backup buddy backups from the client dash help screen.

Categories: General

This plugin allows bulk editing (manual activate, resend key, delete user) of pending BuddyPress user…

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This plugin allows bulk editing (manual activate, resend key, delete user) of pending BuddyPress user…

Categories: General

BuddyPress Featured Members plugin allows site admins to mark users as featured and display their list.

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A BuddyPress plugin that use a point system to display a progress bar or progress percentage for any of completed member's xprofile fields and/or …

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A BuddyPress plugin that use a point system to display a progress bar or progress percentage for any of completed member's xprofile fields and/or …

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A free WordPress plugin enables easy sharing of BuddyPress activities across major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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This plugin changes the blog author links on a buddypress site to link to the author's buddypress member profile.

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Conditionally hide BuddyPress XProfile Field Groups based on user role.

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Conditionally hide BuddyPress XProfile Field Groups based on user role.

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Allow your members to select additional privacy settings for who can view their profile and it's visibility on the directory page.

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Allow your members to select additional privacy settings for who can view their profile and it's visibility on the directory page.

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Simple plugin that adds a progress bar on members pages, which displays the percentage of profile completed by a user.

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Simple plugin that adds a progress bar on members pages, which displays the percentage of profile completed by a user.

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Adds CubePoints support to Buddypress. Reward members using your BuddyPress portion of your website by giving them points and awards!

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Adds CubePoints support to Buddypress. Reward members using your BuddyPress portion of your website by giving them points and awards!

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This plugin works with both BuddyPress and the BuddyBoss Platform. It creates an xProfile Location field type that will use the Google Places API to p …

Categories: General

If you want FACEBOOK like functionality for your buddypress installation where Homepage for Vistiors is different than Logged in users, you should try …

Categories: General

This plugin adds a security question to the Buddypress registration page.

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This plugin adds a security question to the Buddypress registration page.

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The easiest way to share your favorite content from sites like YouTube, Flickr, Hulu and more on your BuddyPress network.

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This Buddypress Profile Rating plugin used for Buddypress users to rate each others profile and can see the average rate of someones profile .

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This Buddypress Profile Rating plugin used for Buddypress users to rate each others profile and can see the average rate of someones profile .

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This plugin will block mass mailing for the buddypress messaging system

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This plugin will block mass mailing for the buddypress messaging system

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This plugin will "block" an activity record from being saved to the stream/database. Such as new member registration, joining groups, friend …

Categories: General

This plugin will "block" an activity record from being saved to the stream/database. Such as new member registration, joining groups, friend …

Categories: General

BuddyPress Avatar Hover let's you add a pop box when hovering on the group/member avatars and gives you more information at a glance.

Categories: General

Streamline your BuddyPress Activity with ease. Set default filters, remove specific activity types, and enable public Custom Post Type (CPT) activitie …

Categories: General

Display greeting message for various times in the day to BuddyPress loggedin user.

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Add a map display of a members location to their BuddyPress profile.

Categories: General

Displays the friends of the logged in user or of the displayed user once in…

Categories: General

BP Labs contains unofficial and experimental BuddyPress features for testing and feedback. Requires BuddyPress 1.6+.

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Avatar suggestions for the members and the groups of your BuddyPress powered community.

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Add real menu items that go directly to buddypress pages! Add a profile dropdown with avatar, message counts, and more- fully customizable.

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Categorize BuddyPress groups using tags. Show a clickable tag cloud above the group listings or as a widget.

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Categorize BuddyPress groups using tags. Show a clickable tag cloud above the group listings or as a widget.

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Chat Room for Buddypress Group

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Using BP Activity Share plugin you can share any activity locally like we share any post in FaceBook.

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Add to your BuddyPress community the ability to provide reviews and star ratings for the members.

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Allows BuddyPress administrators to block users indefinitely, or for a specified period of time.

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Let your members and groups show their Facebook Button on their profile page and group page.

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Let your members and groups show their Facebook Button on their profile page and group page.

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This BuddyPress plugin replaces the functionality for the Public Message and Private Message buttons on profile pages.

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Adds a "Edit BuddyPress Profile" link to the users page in the dashboard if current user is an administrator.

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Show number of profile views count by other members.

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Show number of profile views count by other members.

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Send messages to all members of your BuddyPress site, filter receivers by roles and groups.

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Send messages to all members of your BuddyPress site, filter receivers by roles and groups.

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Let your users upload images, manage their media and post and share it on buddypress activity stream!

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Let your users upload images, manage their media and post and share it on buddypress activity stream!

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This plugin will generate a sitemapindex and various component sitemap xml files for search engines and indexing of BuddyPress

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BuddyPress MyMood is a BuddyPress, which allows the members to express their moods at different times with a activity status post.

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BuddyPress MyMood is a BuddyPress, which allows the members to express their moods at different times with a activity status post.

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Using BP Profile Status plugin you can set status in your BuddyPress Profile.

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Show profile view count for the buddypress user similar to linkedin.

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Show profile view count for the buddypress user similar to linkedin.

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For buddypress/bbPress - Displays any combination of up to 4 buddypress field under the authors avatar in topics and replies

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For buddypress/bbPress - Displays any combination of up to 4 buddypress field under the authors avatar in topics and replies

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BuddyPress User Info Widget allows easy listing of user profile info in the widget area.

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This plugin adds a Group Type search and filter at BuddyPress Group Directory. It also…

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A great plugin completely changes the entire design of BuddyPress in light or dark color

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JSON API additional features to be used with Buddypress in addition of profile and profile…

Categories: General

JSON API additional features to be used with Buddypress in addition of profile and profile…

Categories: General

This plugin is no longer be supported.

Categories: General

This plugin is no longer be supported.

Categories: General

BP Profile Widgets allows BuddyPress users to embed a music player, video player, photo gallery,…

Categories: General

Protect your BuddyPress Installation from strangers. Only registered users will be allowed to view directory pages, activity and profile pages.

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Adds Shortcode for BuddyPress XProfile data

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BuddyPress Group-O-Matic automatically adds members to groups based on extended profile field responses.

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BuddyPress Group-O-Matic automatically adds members to groups based on extended profile field responses.

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A BuddyPress plugin that creates Gravatar avatars for any user or group without one, and stores them locally.

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Adds a sliding AJAX login panel to BuddyPress with a full account center and menu for logged in users.

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Adds extra signup options to the registration page of a BuddyPress installation.

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Disables the activation email and automatically activates new users in BuddyPress under a standard WP install and WPMU (multisite).

Categories: General

This plugin allows an user to edit their activity stream status update within a specified time period.

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This plugin allows an user to edit their activity stream status update within a specified time period.

Categories: General

Extend restricting group creation with mappings to WordPress Capabilities and various thresholds

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Force Buddypress users to change their password on their next login.

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Force Buddypress users to change their password on their next login.

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BuddyPress Notifications Manager is a plugin for BuddyPress plugin to manage the notifications system of buddypress for all users.

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BuddyPress Notifications Manager is a plugin for BuddyPress plugin to manage the notifications system of buddypress for all users.

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A BuddyPress tool for viewing messages

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BP My Home makes it possible to add moveable and collapsible widgets to BuddyPress Member's…

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Only allow users with email addresses from certain domains to register in BuddyPress.

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This plugin only allows friends and site administrators to send private messages on your BuddyPress site.

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This plugin only allows friends and site administrators to send private messages on your BuddyPress site.

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BuddyPress Real Names allows you to change the regular nickname displayed for a user to anything you want.

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This Plugin allows BuddyPress and Wordpress users to change the "Display name publicly as" field for ALL users, at any time.

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This plugin will "bump" an activity record to the top of the stream when activity comment reply is made.

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This plugin will "bump" an activity record to the top of the stream when activity comment reply is made.

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BuddyPress xProfile Checkout Manager for WooCommerce extension where you can integrate BuddyPress xProfile into WooCommerce Checkout.

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BuddyPress xProfile Checkout Manager for WooCommerce extension where you can integrate BuddyPress xProfile into WooCommerce Checkout.

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Buddypress Search is a fast and light AngularJS members search plugin, when typing members name, show user list instantly in drop-down list, no need r …

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This Plugin adds a sidebar widget with the latest notifications for a BuddyPress user.

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Extends the functionality of Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress plugin by adding related tabs in each group.

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Extends the functionality of Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress plugin by adding related tabs in each group.

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Konec nahrávání české mo souboru do BuddyPress. Již nepotřebujete žádné FTP, nepotřebujete k tomu žádné znalosti ani webmastera.

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Konec nahrávání české mo souboru do BuddyPress. Již nepotřebujete žádné FTP, nepotřebujete k tomu žádné znalosti ani webmastera.

Categories: General

Let your members and groups show their google plus profile button allowing other users to…

Categories: General

Let your members and groups show their google plus profile button allowing other users to…

Categories: General

A compatibility pack for the Suffusion WordPress theme with the BuddyPress plugin.

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A compatibility pack for the Suffusion WordPress theme with the BuddyPress plugin.

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Users can rate group forum posts in BuddyPress. Good posts are highlighted and poor posts diminished. Highlighted karma points shown for each user.

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Adds a resume page to BuddyPress profile. Also adds nav menu item under Avatar and in admin bar.

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Obtain buddypress components stats (Forums, Groups, Blogs, Comments, Activity, Friends) about the most active users…

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Obtain buddypress components stats (Forums, Groups, Blogs, Comments, Activity, Friends) about the most active users…

Categories: General

This plugin allows members to share their location when posting activities. Members can add places they have visited or nearby locations using the Goo …

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This plugin enables you to have multiple sidebars for Buddypress. Create new sidebars that are unique to each page.

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This plugin has been moved to

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This plugin has been moved to

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This plugin allows you to change any BuddyPress group into an announce-only group, where only admins and moderators can post.

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This plugin allows you to change any BuddyPress group into an announce-only group, where only admins and moderators can post.

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This plugin allows you to send individual messages to all Buddypress users.

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This plugin allows you to send individual messages to all Buddypress users.

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This plugin removes the admin bar completely from the public and admin areas of the…

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This plugin removes the admin bar completely from the public and admin areas of the…

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This plugin lets you have a normal site Homepage for visitors while logged-in users have their BP Profile as Homepage. This is similar to Facebook.

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Create and manage different member types easily for your BuddyPress site and allow different roles.

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Adds Suggested groups functionality into BuddyPress.

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This plugin will display your buddypress community total counts for members, active members, status updates, blogs posts and comments

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This plugin will display your buddypress community total counts for members, active members, status updates, blogs posts and comments

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Buddypress Activity Widget is a sidbar widget to show list of sitewide, members and member's friends activity.

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Buddypress Activity Widget is a sidbar widget to show list of sitewide, members and member's friends activity.

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Buddypress User Language is a Buddypress extension that allows users to set the language displayed in the back-end and front-end of your Buddypress si …

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This plugin allows remote access to BuddyPress networks through an XML-RPC API.

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A simple WordPress plugin to enable BuddyPress on-site notifications when a user reaches an achievement with BadgeOS-Community.

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A simple WordPress plugin to enable BuddyPress on-site notifications when a user reaches an achievement with BadgeOS-Community.

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Very basic and private file storage for groups.

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Very basic and private file storage for groups.

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Email bbPress topic/reply mentioned users, set custom email and some basic settings

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BuddyPress Favorite Notification adds a notification for BuddyPress activity.

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A light weight plugin which integrates Geodirectory plugin with Buddypress.

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BP Pretty Quote provides shortcodes that result in nicely formatted quote blocks.

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This plugin allow you to make user acount type to your buddypress site

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Show number of profile views count by other members and recent visitors of member profile. And also show who is visiting the perticual member most.

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Show number of profile views count by other members and recent visitors of member profile. And also show who is visiting the perticual member most.

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Allows site or network administrators to enforce BuddyPress group membership by locking users into groups

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Allows site or network administrators to enforce BuddyPress group membership by locking users into groups

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Adds a What's Hot tab to the BuddyPress activity stream.

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BuddyPress xProfiles ACL creates access control over BuddyPress Extended Profile Groups.

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Provides enhanced version of BuddyPress's core Groups and Members widgets

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BuddyPress - Validate XProfile data with PCRE regular expressions.

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Basic live chat within groups.

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BuddyPress Featured members plugin allows you to make fetured members in you BuddyPress community and show them using shortcodes

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BuddyPress Featured members plugin allows you to make fetured members in you BuddyPress community and show them using shortcodes

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This Buddypress plugin allows each user to create his portfolio on your website.

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This Buddypress plugin allows each user to create his portfolio on your website.

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Quickly and easily access and install BuddyPress plugins from, right from your dashboard.

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BuddyPress Group Plus

By Charl Kruger

Adds loads more features to your BuddyPress groups - Add a extra tab to your…

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BuddyPress Group Plus

By Charl Kruger

Adds loads more features to your BuddyPress groups - Add a extra tab to your…

Categories: General

Add themable hovercards to your BuddyPress installation.

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Add themable hovercards to your BuddyPress installation.

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Allows users to take control of the way that the links in their Buddypress profiles are handled.

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Allows users to take control of the way that the links in their Buddypress profiles are handled.

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Provides an API to create custom components in BuddyPress around custom post types in WordPress. This plugin is meant to be used by developers to map …

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Provides an API to create custom components in BuddyPress around custom post types in WordPress. This plugin is meant to be used by developers to map …

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BP Group Reviews

By boonebgorges

Adds a reviews/rating section to BuddyPress groups. As seen on the

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This simple plugin does three things:

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This simple plugin does three things:

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Let the members of your BuddyPress powered community add a Bookmarklet to their browser to share interesting web pages

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Import groups from CSV file into BuddyPress.

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Import groups from CSV file into BuddyPress.

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Buddypress notification display by push notification to mobile application.

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A Learning Management System for BuddyPress

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A Learning Management System for BuddyPress

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>NOTE: As of BuddyPress 2.5.3+, this plugin is no longer needed.

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BP Private Avatars allows users to hide the avatar to only friend connections for additional privacy.

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This is a very lightweight Buddypress plugin that list photos and names of the newest…

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Appointment Buddy Widget allows you to book appointment online from a set of available time-slots quickly and easily.

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Appointment Buddy Widget allows you to book appointment online from a set of available time-slots quickly and easily.

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This BuddyPress RC2 plugin simply removes the default Admin Bar. It's ready-to-use: just activate it;…

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This BuddyPress RC2 plugin simply removes the default Admin Bar. It's ready-to-use: just activate it;…

Categories: General

Disable the @mentions capability in BuddyPress. Perfect for users who don't understand Twitter!

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Disable the @mentions capability in BuddyPress. Perfect for users who don't understand Twitter!

Categories: General

This plugin will display a member since and a few simple count totals for status, topics, posts, blog comments along with a per day average.

Categories: General

This plugin will display a member since and a few simple count totals for status, topics, posts, blog comments along with a per day average.

Categories: General

Segregate your BP networks in a multi-network WP install.

Categories: General

This plugin will extend Buddypress to have an Ajax Chat client that works with Buddypress…

Categories: General

This plugin will extend Buddypress to have an Ajax Chat client that works with Buddypress…

Categories: General

This plugin modifies the search template that is on the "/groups" page. It adds a…

Categories: General

Site admins can use stealth mode to hide their last activity.

Categories: General

Gift Buddypress Add-ons provide gift management functionality with BuddyPress plugin.

Categories: General

Gift Buddypress Add-ons provide gift management functionality with BuddyPress plugin.

Categories: General

BP Premiums is an addon for monetizing social networks. Charge users a premium for accessing features on your network.

Categories: General

Fun identicons for your BuddyPress site.

Categories: General

Fun identicons for your BuddyPress site.

Categories: General

This plugin allows the site admin to restrict who can send private messages or to enable the users to choose themselves.

Categories: General

A widget to show photos from BP-Gallery galleries in your sidebar.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Searchable Activity allows users to search BuddyPress Activity

Categories: General

Sends birthday emails to members on their birthdays .(Based on Buddypress)

Categories: General

Allows to add honorific buddypress names on the website.

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Allows to add honorific buddypress names on the website.

Categories: General

This plugin allows admin user to view buddypress profile from admin amd will not work without buddypress.

Categories: General

This plugin allows admin user to view buddypress profile from admin amd will not work without buddypress.

Categories: General

Provides a quick and easy method of adding all BuddyPress core widgets to a sidebar for testing purposes.

Categories: General

Provides a quick and easy method of adding all BuddyPress core widgets to a sidebar for testing purposes.

Categories: General

Password strength meter for the 'change password' screen in BuddyPress

Categories: General

Password strength meter for the 'change password' screen in BuddyPress

Categories: General

Display BuddyPress last active date for a user on wp-admin/users.php page

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Display BuddyPress last active date for a user on wp-admin/users.php page

Categories: General

Add "/" at any buddypress permalink's end but specific logged in users specific actions.

Categories: General

Enables propagation of Activity Items through a hierarchy of BuddyPress Groups established by the BP Group Hierarchy plugin.

Categories: General

Sends on-site notifications on forum events that bbpress doesn't handle.

Categories: General

Replaces textareas throughout BuddyPress with the TinyMCE rich text box.

Categories: General

This plugin will add range field types to Buddypress Xprofile Fields.

Categories: General

This plugin does the following:

Categories: General

BP Favorite Groups is an easy way for users to bookmark the best groups. Users can filter activity by their favorite groups.

Categories: General

This plugin allow you to show user names below activity who liked that activity before

Categories: General

Adds a default group avatar to BuddyPress. Configure the image URL via the option page.

Categories: General

Adds a default group avatar to BuddyPress. Configure the image URL via the option page.

Categories: General

This is buddypres compatible plugin,used to post on twitter from buddypress user profile.

Categories: General

Add a Google map display with all the members location with their avatar.

Categories: General

Make the registration process REALLY simple - reduce user resistance and increase community engagement.

Categories: General

Adds a default group avatar to BuddyPress without disabling Gravatars for users.

Categories: General

This plugin will help you insert different buttons (Share, Like, Viber, Whatsapp, Google and others) into WordPress posts or pages, into Activity or G …

Categories: General

This plugin will help you insert different buttons (Share, Like, Viber, Whatsapp, Google and others) into WordPress posts or pages, into Activity or G …

Categories: General

This BuddyPress plugin widget lets you choose one or more members to feature.

Categories: General

This BuddyPress plugin widget lets you choose one or more members to feature.

Categories: General

Provides a drop-down on Forum Topic page so Group Admins / Moderators can move topic thread to another forum. Generates email alert to topic author.

Categories: General

Provides a drop-down on Forum Topic page so Group Admins / Moderators can move topic thread to another forum. Generates email alert to topic author.

Categories: General

Buddy Notification Bell convert BuddyPress notification to BuddyPress Bell Notification. It shows all notification with bell alert and anywhere you wa …

Categories: General

Buddy Notification Bell convert BuddyPress notification to BuddyPress Bell Notification. It shows all notification with bell alert and anywhere you wa …

Categories: General

This plugin is a collection of sub-plugins for group forums. Signatures, bbCode lite, ShortCodes, Ajaxed Quote, RSS Feeds, Forum Index (and Widget), A …

Categories: General

This plugin is a collection of sub-plugins for group forums. Signatures, bbCode lite, ShortCodes, Ajaxed Quote, RSS Feeds, Forum Index (and Widget), A …

Categories: General

Syndicate RSS feeds into your user or group Activity stream

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Syndicate RSS feeds into your user or group Activity stream

Categories: General

This plugin provides site and group based wiki functionality for a Buddypress installation.

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Buddypress statistic bar!

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A collection of small tweaks for the activity stream

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A collection of small tweaks for the activity stream

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When using More Privacy Options, this plugin removes items from BP activity streams according to user roles.

Categories: General

This plugin enables restriction of email domains during user registration for a single (non-multisite) WordPress installation of BuddyPress

Categories: General

Fixes Buddypress's RSS feed titles' corrupted characters for all languages.

Categories: General

Latest development of popular plugin Buddypress Gifts. Send a gift image and message to user in BuddyPress profile using activity stream function.

Categories: General

Latest development of popular plugin Buddypress Gifts. Send a gift image and message to user in BuddyPress profile using activity stream function.

Categories: General

Add bbPress and BuddyPress Conditionals to John Blackbourn's awesome Query Monitor

Categories: General

Add bbPress and BuddyPress Conditionals to John Blackbourn's awesome Query Monitor

Categories: General

Adds a static bar at the bottom of every page of your website. Which displays the latest 20 BuddyPress Activities and rotates threw them.

Categories: General

Adds a static bar at the bottom of every page of your website. Which displays the latest 20 BuddyPress Activities and rotates threw them.

Categories: General

Adds a button bar to buddypress forum posting textfields

Categories: General

Allows BuddyPress group mods and admins to move a single forum topic to another group, updating the activity items as well.

Categories: General

Shows a label for unread forum posts.

Categories: General

The BuddyPress Todo List plugin allows BuddyPress members to add tasks to their to-do list and will enable them to 'edit,' 'delete,&#03 …

Categories: General

List users' mutual friends in BuddyPress easily. One click install and setup.

Categories: General

Allows you to insert YOURLS short links on a post or a page from a remote YOURLS install.

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Allows you to insert YOURLS short links on a post or a page from a remote YOURLS install.

Categories: General

Plugin for optimize qTranslate for Buddypress and support of BP Admin bar

Categories: General

Plugin for optimize qTranslate for Buddypress and support of BP Admin bar

Categories: General

Rebirth of popular plugin Buddypress Gifts. Send a gift image and message to user in…

Categories: General

BP Post to Google Map lets you add lat/lng coordinates to Posts and display a…

Categories: General

Lets users cross-post a new bbpress forum topic in multiple BuddyPress group forums.

Categories: General

Add BuddyPress Support for Tally Framework theme.

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Add BuddyPress Support for Tally Framework theme.

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Records regular summaries of BuddyPress-related systemwide information

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Shows shared friends between the loggedin user and other users in a buddypress community.

Categories: General

Enables two-way synchronisation between BuddyPress groups and CiviCRM groups.

Categories: General

The BuddyPress Member Reviews plugin enhances the Buddypress community by empowering registered users to post reviews on other members' profiles.

Categories: General

Choose which fields appear on the "member cards" on member list pages, such as Groups.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Group Reviews allows BuddyPress members to add group reviews & give multiple to given criteria(s). After posting reviews, all reviews w …

Categories: General

BuddyPress Group Reviews allows BuddyPress members to add group reviews & give multiple to given criteria(s). After posting reviews, all reviews w …

Categories: General

Limit the length of your BuddyPress activity updates like Twitter

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Allows visualisations to be shown for how users work in groups on your buddypress site

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Allows visualisations to be shown for how users work in groups on your buddypress site

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Creates a Group Frontpage from a form BuddyPress Group Admins fill out. Like a book cover.

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BuddyPress Private Community allows the site owner to lock the different BuddyPress components on the site for non-logged-in users and gives options t …

Categories: General

A simple bridge between s2Member (or similar) and Buddypress to hide and show profile groups…

Categories: General

A simple bridge between s2Member (or similar) and Buddypress to hide and show profile groups…

Categories: General

Updates BuddyPress activity streams with missing blog comments and posts

Categories: General

Fancy schmancy BuddyPress member directories.

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Buddypress Group CSS

By Jaco Gerber

Allows a Buddypress group administrator to customise their group with CSS via the "Group Custom CSS" tab under the group's Admin page.

Categories: General

Buddypress Group CSS

By Jaco Gerber

Allows a Buddypress group administrator to customise their group with CSS via the "Group Custom CSS" tab under the group's Admin page.

Categories: General

This plugin provides simple group wiki functionality within BuddyPress. REQUIRES WPMU!

Categories: General

This plugin provides simple group wiki functionality within BuddyPress. REQUIRES WPMU!

Categories: General

Quick and easy translate BuddyPress and bbPress messages or any selected text.

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Quick and easy translate BuddyPress and bbPress messages or any selected text.

Categories: General

A plugin for use with the BuddyPress Email API

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Wrap the BuddyPress sitewide notice in a widget.

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This plugin will replace the blog comments section with the activity stream reply system

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This plugin will replace the blog comments section with the activity stream reply system

Categories: General

This plugin allows you to show user avatars below activity who liked that activity before

Categories: General

This Plugin adds a sidebar widget with avatar and username of a random BuddyPress user.

Categories: General

Adds a widget that displays a tag cloud with tags from new blog posts in BuddyPress Activity tab. Tested up to BuddyPress 1.9.2

Categories: General

Adds a widget that displays a tag cloud with tags from new blog posts in BuddyPress Activity tab. Tested up to BuddyPress 1.9.2

Categories: General

BuddyPress Update Email Reminder Lightbox asks users to confirm their email address if they haven’t logged in for a while.

Categories: General

Send a gift image and message to user in BuddyPress profile using activity stream function.

Categories: General

Send a gift image and message to user in BuddyPress profile using activity stream function.

Categories: General

Allows you to show a random sampling of headlines from sites listed in your WordPress blogroll.

Categories: General

Allows you to show a random sampling of headlines from sites listed in your WordPress blogroll.

Categories: General

Send notification buddypress for all member when publish woocommerce product.

Categories: General

Add custom classes to xprofile fields for ease of styling.

Categories: General

This plugin will create a private group and maintain a member list of all current group administrators and moderators.

Categories: General

This plugin will create a private group and maintain a member list of all current group administrators and moderators.

Categories: General


By Andy Peatling, Adam Hupp

Adds support for logging in via Facebook to BuddyPress installations.

Categories: General

Allow members to send private messages only if the recipient is following them. Requires the BuddyPress Followers plugin.

Categories: General

Allow members to send private messages only if the recipient is following them. Requires the BuddyPress Followers plugin.

Categories: General

A sidebar widget that allows for a special links/bookmarks category for admins which will only…

Categories: General

Cosmic BP User Signup Password plugin allows buddypress site owners to let new user choose their own password at the time of registration.

Categories: General

By default, BuddyPress is making 4 pages and the content of pages are not displayed.…

Categories: General

Make your Buddypress member's search ajaxify with this superb plugin.

Categories: General

Do you spend hours of you time to remove spam groups in BuddyPress?

Categories: General

Do you spend hours of you time to remove spam groups in BuddyPress?

Categories: General

BP Required Field Notification

By wordpluginpress

Notify Buddypress user with all required field

Categories: General

BuddyPress Instaban

By Bill Zimmerman, Nelson Kana

BuddyPress Instaban allows site administrators to quickly remove problem members with a single click.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Instaban

By Bill Zimmerman, Nelson Kana

BuddyPress Instaban allows site administrators to quickly remove problem members with a single click.

Categories: General

Buddypress Follow Me is fork of BuddyPress Follow plugin ( buddypress-followers is now upda …

Categories: General

Buddypress Follow Me is fork of BuddyPress Follow plugin ( buddypress-followers is now upda …

Categories: General

Using BP Memories you can see your memory regarding BuddyPress such as activity.

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I accept pull requests! -

Categories: General

Allows forum moderators and system administrators to move topics placed under the incorrect group in…

Categories: General

Allows forum moderators and system administrators to move topics placed under the incorrect group in…

Categories: General

WooBuddy -> Groups, integrate BuddyPress Groups with WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscription. Ideal for subscription and membership sites such as …

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Let the members of your site post an update to their activity stream from anywhere in your site or any other subsite in a multisite installation inste …

Categories: General

Let the members of your site post an update to their activity stream from anywhere in your site or any other subsite in a multisite installation inste …

Categories: General

Display a pop-up notice asking your visitors to disable their AdBlocker software. This plugin is built using Jmlevick adBuddy + jsBuddy software.

Categories: General

Display a pop-up notice asking your visitors to disable their AdBlocker software. This plugin is built using Jmlevick adBuddy + jsBuddy software.

Categories: General

Allows admins to import data from an arbitrary RSS feed into their BuddyPress sitewide activity stream

Categories: General

This is a BuddyPress plugin that allows you to select and display featured posts sitewide.

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Display your BuddyPress site wide posts in a paginated widget

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BuddyPress 1.6+ plugin to share & highlight code snippets

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BuddyPress Stats

By Jobjörn Folkesson

This plugin adds an admin page with some bar graphs with basic statistics from your…

Categories: General

This plugin will auto join group admins and moderators to all new groups. You may auto demote the creator to a moderator or member.

Categories: General

This plugin will auto join group admins and moderators to all new groups. You may auto demote the creator to a moderator or member.

Categories: General

Code needed for backwards compatibility with previous versions of BuddyPress. Contains original themes, wire component, status updates, and functions …

Categories: General

Code needed for backwards compatibility with previous versions of BuddyPress. Contains original themes, wire component, status updates, and functions …

Categories: General

This is a bare-bones component that should provide a good starting block to building your own custom BuddyPress component.

Categories: General

This is a badge generator plugin for Buddypress.

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This is a badge generator plugin for Buddypress.

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This plugin will remove all avatars (and optionally, all icons) from a Buddypress site

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Create bbPress user ranks which display on forums and user profiles. For more features and settings such as Star Ranks, RPG Ranks, User Badges, Month …

Categories: General

This plugin allows certain XML-RPC commands for BuddyPress (Requires a client!)

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Need to add an online summary to BuddyPress? We developed a plugin that is small and compact just for you.

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This Plugin offers a shortcode ([bpmembers]) which returns the number of registred Buddypress users.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Events Calendar

By Erwin Gerrits

Adds an events calendar to the WordPress MU/BuddyPress platform. Trunk version. Compatible with BP 1.1.3…

Categories: General

The Nware BuddyPress Bulk Group plug-in will make it easy for WordPress users to create…

Categories: General

The Nware BuddyPress Bulk Group plug-in will make it easy for WordPress users to create…

Categories: General

Send attachments with private messages in BuddyPress!

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Send attachments with private messages in BuddyPress!

Categories: General

Replaces the default BuddyPress xProfile Name field with First Name and Last Name fields and keeps these in sync with WordPress user profile fields.

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Easily create, edit, and delete BuddyPress groups - with drag and drop simplicity

Categories: General

Let BuddyPress members create Portfolios to showcase their photos and artwork.

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Let BuddyPress members create Portfolios to showcase their photos and artwork.

Categories: General

Add Beautiful profile covers in BuddyPress Group and User profiles.

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Let your users upload images, manage their media and post and share it on buddypress activity stream!

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Let your users upload images, manage their media and post and share it on buddypress activity stream!

Categories: General

A simple Events plugin for BuddyPress or the BuddyBoss Platform.

Categories: General

BuddyPress WooCommerce Vendors integrates WC Vendors with BuddyPress and enables a BuddyPress Social Marketplace

Categories: General

BuddyPress WooCommerce Vendors integrates WC Vendors with BuddyPress and enables a BuddyPress Social Marketplace

Categories: General

With the BPXPIF plugin you can add XProfile fields of type Image without writing any custom code.

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Instant chat plugin for BuddyPress allowing user to connect and talk in real time.

Categories: General

Instant chat plugin for BuddyPress allowing user to connect and talk in real time.

Categories: General

Let your members and groups show their Twitter Follow Button on their profile page and…

Categories: General

Bp Force Profile

By Cajet R?gis

A plugin to force buddypress users to complete the required fields of their profiles

Categories: General

React to BuddyPress activities!

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React to BuddyPress activities!

Categories: General

Let members mute their friends and shed unwanted items from their BuddyPress activity stream.

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Let members mute their friends and shed unwanted items from their BuddyPress activity stream.

Categories: General

Plugin will display on your Friends page a new tab called Online with a list of currently online friends.

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Plugin will display on your Friends page a new tab called Online with a list of currently online friends.

Categories: General

Buddypress conditional profile field

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Buddypress conditional profile field

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This plugin makes your BuddyPress community private. Only logged in members can view the social areas in full. You can configure the default settings.

Categories: General

This plugin makes your BuddyPress community private. Only logged in members can view the social areas in full. You can configure the default settings.

Categories: General

This plugin makes your BuddyPress community private. Only logged in members can view the social areas in full. You can configure the default settings.

Categories: General

This plugin makes your BuddyPress community private. Only logged in members can view the social areas in full. You can configure the default settings.

Categories: General

Provide all widgets with BuddyPress specific fields (conditional display logic)

Categories: General

This plugin adds a widget to Buddypress that displays the friends for the current user that is logged in.

Categories: General

This plugin adds a widget to Buddypress that displays the friends for the current user that is logged in.

Categories: General

This is a very lightweight Buddypress plugin that Shows Photos And Names of User's Friends…

Categories: General

Add a webcam snapshot option for uploading an avatar in BuddyPress.

Categories: General

This plugin will convert #hashtags references to a link (activity search page) posted within the activity stream

Categories: General

This plugin will convert #hashtags references to a link (activity search page) posted within the activity stream

Categories: General

This plugin adds a new form of captcha to your Buddy Press registration and comment…

Categories: General

Adds 'Posts' link to member's profile page, and shows member's blog posts on that page.

Categories: General

Adds 'Posts' link to member's profile page, and shows member's blog posts on that page.

Categories: General

Stick groups to top of groups directory !

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Send bbPress forum and topic subscription emails using Buddypress' email API.

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Multilingual Extended Profiles in multisite BuddyPress

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Multilingual Extended Profiles in multisite BuddyPress

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BuddyPress Privacy (BP Privacy, BP_Authz, or BPAz) is a privacy control component for BuddyPress' Core Components.

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This plugin will display a simple twitter-like notification 'New activity update. Refresh the page.' via ajax if a new activity stream recor …

Categories: General

This plugin will display a simple twitter-like notification 'New activity update. Refresh the page.' via ajax if a new activity stream recor …

Categories: General

Automatically include dropdowns of all Buddypress component and Wordpress menus in the BP Adminbar.

Categories: General

Buddypress Widget Pack is a series of 4 widgets that you can add to your Buddypress-enabled sidebar. The four widgets are: 1)Popular Members widget 2 …

Categories: General

Let your site viewers/users easily read the activity streams by adding a simple yet customizable widget that displays streams in an animated manner.

Categories: General

Let your site viewers/users easily read the activity streams by adding a simple yet customizable widget that displays streams in an animated manner.

Categories: General

Notifiction Favorite Activity.

Categories: General

BP + NEXTGEN Gallery integrate

By Nickolas Klue aka 'Scaylos'

This is a plugin to integrate NEXTGEN Gallery with Buddypress profiles.

Categories: General

Blog Avatar Plugin allows site admins to upload avatars for their blog

Categories: General

Let your members and groups show off their scores. Using the widget, the…

Categories: General

Let your members and groups show off their scores. Using the widget, the…

Categories: General

Unsubscribe plugin to stop emails coming from buddypress. It will allow user to one click…

Categories: General

Expire Category allows users to add a category and expiration date to any Post.

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Recent buddypress groups forum topics!

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An Admin Tool plugin for bulk deletions. Works with BuddyPress and the BuddyBoss Platform.

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BubbyPress Courseware plugin to generate a diploma for a user on finishing all the assignments of a class.

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BubbyPress Courseware plugin to generate a diploma for a user on finishing all the assignments of a class.

Categories: General

BP Lotsa Feeds

By boonebgorges

Gives your BuddyPress installation lotsa feeds.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Maps is a component that allows to find and display location markers on a Google Map.

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BuddyPress Maps is a component that allows to find and display location markers on a Google Map.

Categories: General

This is a BuddyPress plugin that allows a Blog or Site Admin to turn a…

Categories: General

Additional fields for BuddyPress Groups

Categories: General

This is a bare-bones component that should provide a good starting block to building your…

Categories: General

This is a bare-bones component that should provide a good starting block to building your…

Categories: General

This plugin create a new Group when a new user sign up.

Categories: General

Adds AJAX capabilities to expand shortened activity stream wire comments without reloading the page.

Categories: General

Imports BuddyPress XProfile data to Simple CRM...

Categories: General

Makes it possible to relate groups to blogs and define the relationships to whatever you…

Categories: General

Adds Open Graph meta tags to your Wordpress website and Buddypress Activity pages. Adds URL…

Categories: General

Inserts blog comments from non-logged-in users into the activity stream

Categories: General

Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group.

Categories: General

Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group.

Categories: General

This plugin uses BuddyPress's notification system to let users subscribe to all new posts on a site (or many sites if you run Multisite).

Categories: General

This plugin brings site-wide-like administration options to the frontend, allowing group admins simpler management of all of their groups.

Categories: General

Enables delegating a user's Extended Profile for editing by other users.

Categories: General

Add a "Member Type" option to the BuddyPress registration form.

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Add a "Member Type" option to the BuddyPress registration form.

Categories: General

BuddyPress User Activity plugin allows you to get five latest activity stream of logged-in user throughout the site, and which can display with any po …

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Connect GamiPress with BuddyPress

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Connect GamiPress with BuddyPress

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BP Job Manager Integration is based on the Buddypress Geodirectory Integration plugin from MinimalPink and adapted to WP Job Manager.

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This plugin allows the users to write simple posts outside the dashboard (just like QuickPress…

Categories: General

This plugin allows the users to write simple posts outside the dashboard (just like QuickPress…

Categories: General

Lava Bp Post Provides front-end form for buddypress. It's also possible to add on pages by a form shortcode.

Categories: General

Shows a list of most recently added BP activity comments.

Categories: General

Makes your buddypress signup process seamless by automatically logging on users who activate their account.

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Makes your buddypress signup process seamless by automatically logging on users who activate their account.

Categories: General

This plugin will allow your to post activities for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Platform using shortcode from any page or any cpt post.

Categories: General

This plugin will link @(group_slug) syntax to group home page and/or use =(group_slug) to post an update to group

Categories: General

This plugin will link @(group_slug) syntax to group home page and/or use =(group_slug) to post an update to group

Categories: General

This plugin adds a Defaults menu option to BuddyPress Docs, allowing the default sort order and docs per page settings to be changed.

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This plugin adds a Defaults menu option to BuddyPress Docs, allowing the default sort order and docs per page settings to be changed.

Categories: General

Buddypress features extension plugin for creation of social network site.

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Shuts down registration via the usual Buddypress method, all other functionality is not effected.

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[custom] Backup Buddy

By David Ziembicki

Backup Buddy

Categories: General

This plugin is designed to simplify, improve and make the management of BuddyPress Template Overloads more accessible.

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Insert Group, Follow, or User Profile details into a page or post, recreate many group and profile page options.

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Adds BuddyPress status options for posts - Group posts (public, site members only and group only, Members Only, Followers, Following and Friends only …

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Additional CSS styles for the Buddypress Activity Plus plugin.

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The Modern Tribe's Events Calendar add-on that integrated into BuddyPress, and allow users to post events directly from their profile.

Categories: General

Simple and lightweight plugin to disable Gravatar fallback when profile picture is missing on BuddyPress, for better privacy without third-party reque …

Categories: General

WordPress SEO plugins don't do the job for BuddyPress. This plugin solves that.

Categories: General

Buddypress Xprofile Custom Field Types adds extra custom profile fields to BuddyPress. Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url etc.

Categories: General

Extends the default Buddypress XProfile field types you can set for profile. Some XProfile Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url, Datepicker, Checkbo …

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Restrict BuddyPress pages or content for visitors or different membership plugins.

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Only allow users with email addresses not on the domain blacklist to register in BuddyPress.

Categories: General

Youzer is a Community & User Profiles Management Solution with a Secure Membership System, Front-end Account Settings, Powerful Admin Panel, 14 Header Styles, +20 Profile Widgets, 16 Color Schemes, Advanced Author Widgets, Fully Responsive Design, Extremely Customizable and a Bunch of Unlimited Features Provided By KaineLabs.

Categories: General

Youzer is a Community & User Profiles Management Solution with a Secure Membership System, Front-end Account Settings, Powerful Admin Panel, 14 Header Styles, +20 Profile Widgets, 16 Color Schemes, Advanced Author Widgets, Fully Responsive Design, Extremely Customizable and a Bunch of Unlimited Features Provided By KaineLabs.

Categories: General

BP default user noifications allows you to change buddypress default notification for all users but Admins.

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A plugin to show users who have favorited a BuddyPress activity.

Categories: General

BP Birthday Greetings will send birthday greeting notification to the member from community.

Categories: General

BP Custom Functionalities provides custom functionalities that regular BuddyPress users requires.

Categories: General

Adds integrated functionality between Popup Maker & BuddyPress.

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Adds integrated functionality between Popup Maker & BuddyPress.

Categories: General

BP User Information

By Beatriz Lima

Show the information of your users according to your choice in members page.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Featured Groups plugin allows site admins to mark groups as featured and display their list.

Categories: General

Remind Buddypress user with all required field that need to be filled.

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BuddyPress Profile Completion Plugin allows site admins to force BuddyPress site members to fill all required profile fields, upload profile photo and …

Categories: General

BuddyPress Profile Completion Plugin allows site admins to force BuddyPress site members to fill all required profile fields, upload profile photo and …

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